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Dew doesn't talk to anybody on the flight back to the Westhem, and he makes it through customs by going through the separate area Rowan had been talking about. He sits in the back of the plane and listens to music, ignoring everything. On the car ride to the condo, he just stares out the window, watching the buildings and trees pass by.

When he and Rowan arrive at the condo, Dew doesn't talk to him. All he does is grab Spikes off the couch and go to his room, closing and locking the door behind himself. He falls back onto his bed, and Spikes climbs off of him, laying down somewhere by his feet.

Dew just stares at the ceiling as the events from the past two weeks sink in. So, he traveled to Osiphia, had a mental break down at customs, and spent a whole week alone. Then, he got kidnapped and nearly tortured within an inch of his life. He also found out that King Alexine has been lying to the world about the cause of the war, before being held at gunpoint by said king. Also, who can forget the fact that he and Rowan are fucking soulmates?

Dew sighs, covering his face. When Dew found that out, everything changed. Every interaction between he and Rowan has been put under a microscope. This is really bad, because before Dew knew, he could pretend their relationship was purely physical. Now, though? Now every time Dew thinks about the guy he gets this... feeling in his chest.

No, Dew, stop thinking about him. Dew needs to keep his distance so that he can stop being so goddamn obsessed with this guy. He can't afford to fall in love. He can't afford any kind of emotional attachments. Dew has he and Rowan's lives to worry about now, and he can't leave Spikes alone. Romance only ends in heartbreak, which is why Dew just can't.

What would a relationship with Rowan even be like? Dew is an absolute mess, a complete handful. He's mentally unstable, always on the verge of some sort of mental collapse... an emotional time bomb. He'd be naive to expect Rowan—to expect anyone to deal with that. Also, well, Rowan spent so long picking up random people and sleeping with them. Who's to say he wouldn't do it in a relationship?

Who's to say he wouldn't break Dew's horribly fragile heart?

No. Dew... he can't fucking do it. Absolutely not, he needs to stay away from Rowan, to keep his distance. Because, well, whether Dew wants to admit it or not... Rowan is magnetic. Dew is so unbelievably drawn to the guy that it's almost comical. He'd just be in flat out denial if he tried to convince himself otherwise.

Dew takes out his phone and texts his work group chat, asking to pick up any shifts that his coworkers don't want. He needs to spend as much time away from this place as possible.

Dew finally stands up, deciding that he needs a distraction. He makes his way to his desk, taking a seat, and he pulls out one of his smaller, thin canvases. Obviously the first thing he thinks of is Rowan, but he immediately pushes the guy out of his head. No. He needs to take his mind off of that guy.

Shit... what did Dew even draw before he met Rowan? Sunsets? Mountains?

Dew frowns, grabbing his pencil and sketching out a tree. He draws the trunk, the some branches sprouting from the base. He also puts some little clusters of leaves around the top.

Okay. Nice. Now it's time to color. Dew grabs his paint brush and mixes up a red, sort of auburnish color. It isn't until he's completely colored the leaves, that he realizes this tree is the exact same color as Rowan's hair.

Whatever, it could be... autumn. Yeah, sure. The leaves are red and orange because it's fall. Uh huh...

Dew sighs, tossing it to the side and grabbing another canvas. This time he sketches out a woman. She's partially facing away from the view point, though she is looking at the viewer.

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