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Y/n's POV,

Taehyung:Ar...are you okay?!

He said in a worried tone meanwhile I was couching my guts out.
Sheesh...why did he has to pop up like that. He should know my heart is too fragile for him.

Taehyung: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out like that.

I almost cried seeing him as few droplets of tears trickled down my eyes. He saw that and immediately took me in his embrace.

Taehyung: I'm so sorry please don't cry.

He rubbed my back slightly as I took in his scent. My breath was swallow being too close to him. He broke the hug and gasped.

Taehyung: Woah-...you look so pretty crying. Ah my heart!

He said placing his hand on his chest. I smiled seeing him in front of me. I still can't believe I'm that calm seeing him. The silence seemed awkward but he broke it thankfully.

Y/n: Thank you.

I said wiping off the tears from my face.

Taehyung: What's your name?

Y/n: it's Y/n.

Taehyung: Aw such a cute name...

He said pinching my cheek slightly making me redden my cheeks and ears because of blushing hard.

Taehyung: Oh what happened?

He said poking his pointy fingers on both of my cheeks making me melt eternally.

Y/n: it's no-not-nothing...

Stupid girl stop stuttering!

I hid my red cheeks in my hand as he chuckled cutely.

Taehyung: who's your bias in us?

He said making eye contact with me with his hazelnut eyes. It was hard for me everytime to make eye contact with him whenever I see him in YouTube or any media but I don't know what happened then, I couldn't seem to take my eyes off from him.

I pointed my finger towards him.

Y/n: You.

I said in a whisper as he laughed showing off his boxy smile.

Taehyung's POV,

Taehyung: Wow! I'm honored. What did you even see in my that I'm yours bias?

I was so happy to hear that I was her bias. I wanted to know more of her. She's so pretty I think I'm having a crush on her.

Y/n: Because you're really Handsome, smart, cute, talented, kind-hearted, you're the type of person that every girl would want in her life. Your duality kills me! One time you're so cute and at the same time so hot and sexy makes me want to-

She immediately stopped on her tracks realizing what she was saying. I was kinda enjoying it so I started the fun.

Taehyung: Makes you want to?

I slowly approached her licking on my lips and biting afterwards to tease her as she gulped nervously.

I slowly approached her licking on my lips and biting afterwards to tease her as she gulped nervously

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I slowly went to her as she stepped backwards. Gradually her back met the railings and I trapped her between my arms and the railings.

Taehyung: Tell me what is it...?

I said leaning to her ear whispering but suddenly,

Jimin: Tae! Jin hyung's calling yo-...

He immediately stopped seeing us in that position. I sighed getting back from her and looked at Jimin with an annoyed face.

Jimin:o-oh...sorry carry on.

He said going back in there.

Y/n's POV,

My heart would've stopped if  Jimin didn't came. I got to breathe properly after Taehyung backed away from me.

Taehyung: I'm coming Jimin.

He said looking at Jimin. He again looked at me with a smile.

Taehyung: Sorry I was just playing with you.

I smiled in relief.

Y/n: it's okay... How..how long are you gonna stay in this country.

Taehyung: One week. We had a really busy schedule so bang PD nim gave us a week off. Since we were invited for one day in here, so we thought to stay the whole week.

Y/n: Oh.

Taehyung:Aren't you happy?

He said leaning towards me wriggling his eyebrows. I nodded smiling as he smiled too.

Y/n: Don't you have to go now?

I said as it was getting late and he was with me with a long time. I hated to farewell him that quickly but I know he had to go back. He looked at his wrist watch and then at me.

Taehyung: Yeah I think I gotta go now...

Y/n: Farewell then?

I said gesturing my hand for a shake. He gladly took it and what he did next made me shock and freeze at the same time. He jerked my hand towards him and crashed his moist soft lips on mine. I eyes widened in pure shock as he pulled me closer by my waist and kept kissing.

After a few seconds, I started to kiss him back and I felt him smiling through the kiss. Unfortunately the kiss lasted for a few minutes as he parted out lips breathing heavily.

Taehyung: Bye. See you again.

He said giving me a last smile and a wink. I still stood there amused by his acts. He looked at me once again smiling a bit and gradually got mixed in the crowd.

I touched my lips with my fingers and smiled. Omg...the Kim Taehyung kissed me...HE KISSED ME!!!!

I squeaked happily jumping around not giving a damn to those who were looking at me weirdly.

I was so happy and amused and shocked...


To be continued
Hope you have fun reading it 😘

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