Chapter 3

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We entered his office just as he sat down behind a large mahogany desk with papers stacked neatly and precisely.

“Please, take a seat.” he said and gestured towards two chairs in front of the desk. Leo rushed forward and I followed behind slowly, hesitant. My brother sat like a little puppy waiting for a command from its master. “We need to organise where your sister will be staying Leo, I would suggest top floor of the building in one of the spare rooms up there.” he stared at me the entire time he spoke to my brother.

“But I thought those were reserved for Alpha's and Beta's?” Riven ignored his question and instead continued to stare directly at me. His gaze was making me warm all over, and I knew for a fact that I was blushing.

“True, but I think in this case it would be appropriate. How about the room right next to mine? Can you get that organised Leo?” he only looked at my brother for the last second then his gaze was drawn back to mine.

“Of course Alpha.” he seemed to understand that this was his cue to leave, and so he grabbed my arm and pulled me from my seat, clearly not wanting me to be under scrutiny of the Alpha for longer than necessary. I was in total agreement with him and began to get up myself.

“Just you, Leo. I'd like to talk to your sister. Alone.” I frowned and Leo looked hesitant. He complied however, after all he was his Alpha. He gave me a one shoulder hug before hurrying out the room, shooting me a look of cautionary concern as he left.

I chose this moment to speak up.

“I don't need a room at all, I can find somewhere else to stay.” I offered, but Riven frowned and I heard him growl.

“You shall be staying here, don't question me.” his tone was dark and his eyes began to darken.

“Excuse me, but I’m not even a part of this pack!” I was pissed now. This guy may be my mate and my brothers' Alpha, but he had no right to force me into this world. I’d avoided werewolves my whole life specifically because this very pack didn't come to my own pack's aid, and now he wanted to drag me back? Well he wouldn't be dragging me anywhere without a fight.

Before I could begin my rant – which I was oh-so prepared for, he had crossed the threshold of the table and his face was millimetres from mine.

“You are my Luna, and much as you try to deny it, very much a part of this pack.” he ground out his words between his teeth, and I could see his dark straight eyebrows furrow together. His green eyes bore into mine and his expression softened a little. “I'll give you a week.”

“A week for what?” I asked.

He turned away and I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

“A week in your own room, to settle back into pack life. You've been without a pack for so long, you'll need the time to accommodate yourself. During that week you should tell your brother exactly what you are to become and next week you will be moving into the Alpha suite. With me. Then, I will introduce you to the pack as Luna and we'll have the initiation ceremony. Am I understood?” he was back behind his desk now, not even looking at me. Did he really disrespect us that much. Wait us? Holy shit, she was back. My wolf was back in my head! I could feel her, resting. She was silent but definitely there.

“You're dumber than you look if you think I’ll agree to this.” his head whipped up, clearly not expecting that kind of response from me. He's an Alpha, Alpha's don't get disobeyed.

But he wasn't the only Alpha here.

“You can't just dictate where I’ll stay and if and when I’ll join this pack” I was seriously pissed now, I could feel my wolf stirring in the back of mind. I could feel her excitement for my mate, but I could also feel her anger towards him for not giving me... us any freedom. And plus, he'd been nothing but cold and distant since I arrived, I thought mates were meant to love one another? “I wish I’d never come here.” he flew back round to stand in front of me, so close this time that I could smell his mint chocolate scent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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