
18.9K 435 11

Highest Rank: #21 in Action.

Featured Story: October, 2017.




"She fumbled with the latch on the window and yanked it open. Luckily, she wasn't on a higher floor or she wouldn't have slipped out as quickly as she did. She landed heavily on the path below and shot a glance up on impact.

"You stupid girl!" a voice shouted from the window as she staggered to her feet, crying out in pain as her wound flared up at the sudden jolt. "We're coming for you! You can't protect them forever!"

Dread filled her bones, but all she did was run, not yet knowing what she'd gotten herself into.




Kaely Monsford was a quiet girl, out of school and working a job at a cafe at 20. Being an orphan, life was bound to be hard, but she made it work. She kept surviving.

Until one afternoon, when four seemingly regular guys pranced into her life like they were sent right to her. They were quiet, nervous and extremely suspicious. Of course, Kaely didn't think anything of it until she got ambushed on her way home from work that same night.

All of a sudden, Kaely found herself thrust into a life on the run from everyone around her; man, woman and child. Her face became something to be recognized and her new companions didn't help with her problem.

So, what's Kaely up to now?

And why is she on the run?




'The Waitress' is the first book I've written that is based upon realistic places and on a realistic timeline. I've timed everything over the span of a few months, and its all put together with as much reality as possible. I even timed how long one of the character's stitches needed to stay in for; dedication followed me all the way with this book, so I really hope you find it to your taste. Based around Australia with five main protagonists, thanks so much for checking out 'The Waitress'.

 Based around Australia with five main protagonists, thanks so much for checking out 'The Waitress'

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