Harry Lost the Kids!

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Dedicated to my dear fren airen😘

    "Coming to the zoo was such a good idea!" Harry says merrily to Louis as they walk towards the gift store.
    "Nice idea honey. Hey Larry, Houis, do you want anything from the gift store?" Louis asks their kids. Just as he was gonna look down at Larry and Houis, Harry shouts.
    "WHERE IS LARRY AND HOUIS?!?!" Shocked to see that they are gone, Louis starts to twist and turn his head trying to see if Larry and Houis were around.
    "Do you think they got lost?" Louis frantically asks Harry. Before Louis could get a reply, Harry was already a distance away searching for the two boys. Quickly catching up to Harry, Louis helps with looking.
    "How could we have lost them?" Harry asks rhetorically.
    "I don't know, maybe you should've looked after them a little more carefully." Louis replies irritated and stressed.
    "Hey! It's not just my fault! Both of us should've been more careful!" Harry retorts.
    "I was being careful, but you kept distracting me telling me to look as some stupid fucking giraffes or some other animal." Louis yells annoyed.
    "I was just trying to cheer you up a bit! You've been tired lately." Harry defends himself.
    "Yeah of course I'm tired. It's Christmas and the kids have been more work lately. You also haven't been home as often cause you're coming out with new songs." Louis responds angrily.
    "If you felt that way you should've told me. You don't have to keep these things to yourself all the time." Harry tries to comfort.
    "Yeah but you do the same thing! Bloody hell why did we decide to have kids. I don't even understand how you even got pregnant. You know what, why don't we look for them on our own!" With that said, Louis rushes off. Harry contemplates if he should follow, but in the end he decides to look on his own as well.
    Both furiously searching wonder how things had gotten like this. How did the event that brought them so much happiness five years ago turn into this.

WARNING! Do not continue if you want to keep your childhood.

    "Harry you know that Santa isn't real right" Louis said playfully to Harry as he sat in bed.
    "Hey you shouldn't say that! He may not be real, but it's always worth asking." Harry replies as he scribbles on a piece of paper at his desk.
    "Yeah yeah whatever, what are you wishing for anyways?" Louis asks, seeming to be a bit interested.
    "It's a secret! If I tell you the magic won't work and Santa won't make it come true!" Harry replies childishly.
    "Haha. That's when you blow out candles you fool" Louis adds jokingly.
    "Same difference"
    "K, just hurry up over there and come here. I'm tired. We should go to sleep already." Just as Louis says that, Harry drops his pen. He reads over his letter, puts it in an envelop and seals it. Harry walks over to their bed and the couple goes to sleep.
    The next morning on Christmas Day, Harry and Louis wake up to a shocking surprise. Overnight, Harry had grown a large stomach as if he was Santa.
    "OMG IT CAME TRUE!" Harry yells. Just as Louis hears this, he runs over to Harry's desk and picks up the unopened letter that Harry had written last night. As he opens the letter and begins to read, his expression changes to pure awe.
    "You asked Santa to give us a child?" Louis asks, confused.
    "Yeah but it's so obscured I didn't thi-" just as Harry was about to finish his sentence, he felt a sharp pain and let out an uncomfortable noise. "I think it's coming," Harry said worriedly.
    "What's coming!?" Louis asked in a panic.
    "THE BABY" Harry shouted. Through the chaos of the arriving moments, both seemed to get their shit together and successfully get to the hospital.
    Doctors and nurses were confused but on seeing that Harry was indeed a man and pregnant, they had no other choice but to deliver the baby. Many excruciating and strange hours later, Harry and Louis were blessed with two beautiful baby boys. They were twins and the couple decided to name them Larry and Houis.
    Later the doctors asked Harry how in the world he had gotten pregnant, but they never really were able to understand. With everything that happened, Harry and Louis started their family, more happy than ever.

    After about 30 minutes of frantic searching, Harry and Louis coincidentally met again, right in front of the fucking giraffe exhibit. After a couple minutes of arguing between the two, a worried park ranger approached them.
    "Haha I overheard your bantering, and if you lost your kids, you can go to the front desk and request that they play a message telling others to look out for your kids" the park ranger informed them.
    "Oh thank you very much!" Harry said gratefully.
    "Why didn't we think of that!" Louis laughed at their foolishness.
    They followed the advice of the park ranger and had a message sent out. A few minutes later, a young couple came over with Larry and Houis. Harry and Louis thanked the two kind teens and gave them an autograph.
    "Where were you two kids anyways?" Harry asked.
    "WE WERE LOOKING AT THE FROGS!!!" Houis shouted excitedly.
    "YEAH THEY WERE SO CUTE. MOM CAN WE GET A FROG" Larry yelled happy and eagerly.
    "Haha maybe not a real frog but maybe you can find a fake one in the store." Louis told the boys.
    "Hmmmm. I guess we can settle for a toy frog then." Larry said as he confirmed with his brother.
    The whole family walked their way in and out of the gift shop, leaving with two identical stuffed frogs. Larry and Houis played with them as they walked, happily comparing who had the better frog.
    "Sorry honey for getting angry at you earlier." Louis apologized.
    "No I'm sorry too, I should've been more careful." Harry apologized as well.
    "Well let's go home and open presents! How does that sound?" Harry quickly added excitedly.
    "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH LET'S GO HOME AND OPEN PRESENTS!!!!" Larry and Houis screamed. With that the happy family headed home to have a fun Christmas evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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