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Minseo was just going down the stairs and went to the exit when her housemate strolled to the door with her. "Where are you going?" They asked each other at the same time and laughed at the coincidence.

"I'm going to meet some friends at the ice cream parlour. You?" The other furrowed their eyebrows hearing that. "Funny. I'm going there too. A friend said he wants to introduce someone." Minseo's eyes widened hearing that.

"Is that friend happens to be Chenle?" The other look a bit confused but nonetheless nod. "Looks like you have met the someone first." She muttered loud enough for him to hear. Mark's eyes widened in realization.

"How did you even know Chenle?" He questioned looking a bit lost. "Long story. I'll tell in the car." She said simply. Since they are going to the same destination they decided to go together in Mark's car.

Mark snorted by the time she finish. "I am not surprise since he has the similar sense of humour as yours." She playfully punch his arm. "Anyways who are the guys that would be there?" She asked, curiosity taking over.

"You'll see." He wiggled his eyebrows as she groaned in frustration. "Don't worry we're here." He said as he park his car. She just hummed in response.

When they enter, the cool air from the air conditioner greet them, a total contrast to the hot weather outside. At a distance they could see a bunch of guys sitting at the farthest corner. "Thats them." Mark said, gesturing to his friends.

She took a glance and froze to see the amount of people there. And she definitely wasn't prepared to meet them. That made her halt her steps. Mark look at her in confusion. "Minseo?" She looked at the male nervously. "Do you think I would leave a good impression? What if I mess up and make a total fool out of myself?" She asked anxiously.

"Of course you will leave a good impression and no you won't mess anything up. What's the matter?" He asked back, looking worried. She still can't fully believe him even after his words of reassurance. All of a sudden a wave of anxiety hit her and she's positive she is going to have a panic attack.

"M-mark. Ca-can't breathe." Her breath was irregular and shallow as she clutch the older's sleeve. Mark was now on full panic mood because he wasn't expecting it to happen now but tried not to showcase it.

Dragging her aside, he hold her shoulders gently. "Hey hey. Focus on me." Mark took deep breaths and whispered comforting words to her while patting her back. She struggled but somehow manage to do it. Out of the corner of her eye she can see a boy she recognize as Chenle (from the pictures they've exchanged) looking at her with concern.

After a few minutes she manage to calm down. "If you feel nervous or anxious just hold my hand." He said softly, worried that her social anxiety will be triggered once again as Minseo nodded. Mark dragged her to approach the table. "Sorry we're late." He said smiling apologetically.

"Nah we get it. Its not your fault your car broke down." A guy spoke, not noticing the small girl behind Mark. The pair raise their eyebrows, wondering who said that until they saw Chenle giving a knowing smile. Minseo let out a sigh of relief, glad that Chenle managed to cover them.

"Anyways Chenle where is your friend?" Someone else who sounds familiar inquired the boy. Chenle rolled his eyes as he pulled Minseo from her hiding spot. "Didn't you heard him saying 'we'?" He shook his head before turning to girl. A squeal was heard before Minseo was attacked into a hug.

"Minseo!!! You finally came!" The said girl smile although wincing at the loud voice of his. "Yeah sorry for making you guys wait. You know stuff happened." Chenle looked at her knowingly before tugging her to sit beside him.

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