chapter 1

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|| Alaska's POV ||

"Alaska! wake up you fucking son of a bitch!"

yeah. it's pretty harsh. my mother usually wakes me up like this. growing up, she was actually pretty darn nice. but ever since dad left us, my mother has became an abusing alcoholic asshole. me being an only child, it's especially difficult. I'm the only one here in this house with her. I don't have anyone here to protect me. at all.

"what mother?" I say as I roll my sleepy eyes.

"what do you fucking mean? it's 7 am, you're supposed to be awake Alaska!"

"actually mom, it's 6:57 am. my alarm doesn't go off until 7. I have three minutes left to sleep"

"don't give me attitude. just get ready"

"yes mother.."

my mother then walks out of the room. as she leaves she mumbles,"worthless piece of shit"
hurt, I run to the bathroom and take out my blade. slashed my arms a few times. remembering that I should be getting ready for school, I take a quick 20 minute shower. god, it stung so much. i finally get ready. white shirt, black jacket, dark blue jeans, black Nike roshes. my outfits are basic, really. as I changed, I couldn't help but think. how does she not realize how much it hurts? what has alcohol and drugs done to her? ugh why did daddy have to leave me with her.

it's now 7:40. I live kind've far from school, I have to ride my skateboard there. it takes like 10 minutes. so I have to leave early.

|| Luke's POV ||

7:40 am.

"wake up rat!"

my older brother Jack says to me.

"Luke you're going to be late!!"

noticing the time, I push Jack out of the room, prepare, and throw some clothes on. it's now 7:50. I better get going. school is only 5 minutes away walking anyways.

||Alaska's POV||

it's currently 7:53. about 2 minutes away from school. I'm riding on my skateboard on the sidewalk. I look behind me for 5 seconds. all of a sudden I run into someone. someone hella tall, maybe around, 6"4?

"oh my god I'm so sorry!" the mysterious blonde haired boy who had gorgeously blue eyes said.

nervously, I said,"oh no, it's my fault.."

god, he was cute.

"so uh, what's you're name?" I asked.

"Luke hemmings, I've seen you around school. you're in some of my classes I do believe. but we never talk. how about we get to know each other?" he said as he smiled.

god, his smile was beautiful.

"uh, sure"


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