𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝘆 dumpling

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«no, we need a name for you. a normal name. a decent name» stated jungkook, looking at jimin and dumpling from the sofa he was laying on.

with his head laying over the edge of the sofa's armrest, jungkook looked funny. dumpling, with his mouth full of rice and his jet black hair still damp from the shower he had taken that morning, was trying hard not to choke on food as he held back his laughter.

«i agree with jungkook. you need a normal name, dumpling» said jimin, who was looking at the used-to-be-dumpling.

dumpling was ruining jimin's intentions to make a move on jungkook. jimin didn't know it, but dumpling was ruining jungkook's intentions to make a move on him too. dumpling was cute, really cute. and he was enough to make jimin's idea of throwing himself at jungkook too embarrassing because someone would have seen if he got rejected. and he was cute. damn, jimin really liked how fair his skin was and how deep his clueless gaze was.

«and what name should i choose? i don't really know any names, to be honest,» yoongi muttered, fighting with the chopsticks he was using.

jungkook sighed dramatically, rolling and getting supine. his gaze was on the floor and his voice came out whiney when he spoke.

«ah, all this just because we couldn't decide who would have eaten the dumpling».

jimin groaned and looked at dumpling, laying his cheek on his hand.

«i want my dumpling» he muttered, sad. jimin really wanted his dumpling, he had dreamed of eating it all night long.

yoongi raised his gaze, frowning. he pointed the chopsticks at himself.

«i am dumpling».

jimin choked on nothing.

«but- i can't eat you!» jimin exclaimed, almost falling off the chair when yoongi answered nonchalantly «not with that attitude, that's for sure honey cheeks».

wide-eyed and suddenly flushed, jimin looked right in front of him in disbelief. jungkook, who had been looking down, was now looking up at dumpling just as incredulous. dumpling, instead of acknowledging their justified shock, kept on trying to eat the rice in his bowl, scrunching his button nose and huffing, frustrated at how difficult it was for him to use them. jimin had already asked him if he wanted to use a spoon but, after seeing him and jungkook eat with chopsticks, dumpling had insisted on using them as well.

while jimin was still staring at dumpling's unamused face, jungkook seemed to have recollected himself.

«use a name generator, dumpling. here, use my phone» jungkook got up and handed his phone to dumpling, who looked at it as if it was the most surprising thing he had ever seen.

he looked at the phone and then at jungkook confused, as to explain he didn't even know where to search a name generator online but was too shy and embarrassed to admit it. jimin almost cooed at him. dumpling looked so small he made his heart swell. as jungkook looked for a korean name generator online and dumpling looked at how he was doing it with dark eyes wide with interest, jimin couldn't hold back a consideration.

«you're cute».

both dumpling and jungkook looked up at him. dumpling smiled brightly. jungkook looked as if he had just been slapped across the face.

«thank you honey cheeks!»

«he's what?»

jimin looked at jungkook, who was staring at him betrayed. just then, jimin got how his remark might have made jungkook feel. they were in the testing-the-waters and slowly drifting to something more than the simple friendship they've always been in — really slowly, they both were too much of two cowards to make a move — and acknowledging how good-looking the new guy who called them daddy and honey butt cheeks was wasn't the best of ideas. jungkook clenched his jaw, jimin recognized him doing his small tongue-in-cheek habit, what he usually did when he got jealous.

«uhm, nothing. did you find a name generator?» jimin asked, trying to move the attention to something else with a nervous giggle.

he knew jungkook would have wanted to talk later. he could see it in his fiery stare.


jungkook's voice was dark, and jimin gulped, looking dumpling instead. looking at him as he read the instructions on the phone brought less anxiety than giving in jungkook's stare. dumpling looked at the phone, quite concentrated until a smile brightened his face and a happy squeal left his lips.

«i found it! min yoongi. isn't yoongi a beautiful name?» he raised his gaze on jimin, smiling. «do you like it? no more dumpling, now i'm yoongi!»

jimin looked at jungkook and noticed he was looking at yoongi with the same curiosity he looked at him with. yoongi had sparked their interest fast, his delicate features and nature were of their liking. jungkook mouthed dumpling's new name, tilting his head slightly.

«it's cute. it suits you» he said, attracting yoongi's attention. «yoongi... yea, i like it. do you, honey butt cheeks

jimin inhaled sharply, flushed. yoongi laughed, clapping hands lightly. jungkook was looking at him with his usual smug smirk, the one he reserved for jimin when he got pissed at something and poked fun at him. jimin, who was not in the mood to let jungkook make fun of him and make yoongi think it was okay, ignored his own blush and smirked back at him.

«yes, i love it daddy! it fits him so well».

jungkook's cheeks turned bright pink, yoongi laughed harder, showing his gummy smile. jimin felt proud and got up.

«do you want to go out for some ice-cream, yoongi? we can have fun and leave daddy to work, so we won't bother him».

yoongi jumped up from the seat, running happily to jimin's bedroom, excited to find out what ice-cream was, and jimin looked at jungkook, who was glaring at him. jungkook got up, walking closer to jimin. his hands found jimin's hips and jimin brought his palms to his broad chest, doing his best to put on a smile and not think about how close they were — and how hot, angry jungkook was.

«jimin. what are you doing?»

jimin smiled cockily at him and pushed on his tiptoes to leave a peck on jungkook's cheek.

«he might be a human now, but he's still my dumpling».

dumpling; yoonkookminWhere stories live. Discover now