Chapter 1 - Yay Tutoring!

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**Chapter 1 - Yay Turtoring!**


"That doesn't even look edible." I whisper to Becca as we move down the lunch line.

"I know right. I feel like they just mix stuff together and call it food." she whispers back.

We're at lunch and are going through the lunch line since neither one of us had money and Raven, who has a car and usually drives us somewhere else to eat, didn't have this lunch with us. So we were stuck with the beautiful creation that the lunch ladies decided to call a hamburger.

"So how was Ms. Hamilton in Anatomy today?" I ask as we make our way toward the table.

Ms. Hamilton was one of those teachers that everyone despises, even the nerds who seem to be a teacher's pet to every teacher they have. She has a long nose that makes her look like a rat and she's wears enough make up to classify as a clown. She's also one of the meanest teachers in school. I'm just glad I already dealt with her last year since I have honors classes, I am now Hamilton free!

"Oh my gosh don't even get me started on her makeup today. Apparently she thought she was making a fashion statement when she matched her lipstick, eyeshadow, and blush with her purple dress shirt."

At that everyone at the table bursts into laughter just imagining the teacher in her purple getup. We get into conversation about our classes and some gossip, including the talk about the new guy being so hot. Apparently every girl is gushing over his looks and there are some girls already starting bets to see who can get with him first... I guess they have no shame. Just as the conversation is switching Katie interrupts our chitchat.

"Hey Gabby."

The girls and I turn around to see Gabby walking toward the locker banks with her head down. She's wearing a worn out t-shirt and some jeans with tennis shoes. Even I knew that this was not a usual Gabby outfit and I hadn't talked to her in months.

"Hey Katie." she replies quietly and continues walking with her head down.

"Did you see that shirt? Even I wouldn't wear that on a lazy day." Becca speaks up when Gabby is out of earshot.

"Oh leave the girl alone. It's been a hard 6 months for her." Katie speaks up in defense for Gabby.

"So is that her excuse for dressing like that?" Natalie says abruptly.

"What happened to always defending your friends Natalie?" I ask sarcastically mocking her words from last year.

"Oh please, she stopped being my friend when I started dating Alex."

"Oh my gosh so the rumors are true!" Becca speaks up in a squeal. "You guys are really a thing?"

"Yup. It was made official when he asked me last weekend at his house."

"Dude you're dating Alex?" I ask in astonishment and wondering if her sanity was balanced correctly.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" she snaps at me.

"Did you forget that he cheated on Gabby last year and pretty much shattered her heart?"

"Yeah with Raven." she says calmly. "What's your point Carrie?"

"Are you really just okay with dating a guy who has a history of cheating?"

"Oh please, Alex would never do that to me. And plus he cheated with Raven and Raven happens to be one of my best friends. Besides I won't leave him hanging like Gabby did, poor guy was all alone for the taking. It's her fault he cheated."

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