Day 59

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I don't want to feel like l'm getting ahead of myself, but I'm going to seduce you tonight to make up for last week. You haven't tried to get me alone again so maybe I'm reading things wrong. Or you have some kind of sneaking around at home kink.

Whatever. I got all my relatives out of my condo so no one can interrupt.

"Where are you taking me?" You ask excitedly when I pick you up for dinner. I borrowed my uncle's car and paid for a private room at a Japanese restaurant. I hope it's one you've never been to so it will be extra special.

"You'll see," I tease.

You grin and settle into your seat, resting your hand on my thigh, something that's become a habit of yours the rare times I drive.

"I see you dressed up like I told you to."

You run your hand over the grey silk shirt you chose paired with white slacks though you'd look just as good in a t-shirt and shorts. I nearly drool at the thought of seeing your long legs bare and have a strong desire to skip dinner. Is food important when you're this close to me?

" god!" You lean forward as we approach the restaurant. "Are we going here?!"

I nod and you squeeze my thigh.

You don't stop smiling throughout the entire meal and I don't think I've ever felt prouder of myself as I watch you try a small sample of each item on the menu. You describe each of them in detail, reminding me of the cultured life you've had. I want you even more but I wonder if it's the right thing now to try to seduce you. This should be enough for the night. A perfect night of delicious food and your smile. But my mouth gets ahead of me as we head back to the car.

I look over at you under a warm street light; your face striking in the semi-darkness.

"Spend the night with me?"

You seem to realize I mean more than sleeping. You smirk and walk ahead. "You're really good with your bribes."

I think this is one of the first times I felt awkward driving home with you, win

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I think this is one of the first times I felt awkward driving home with you, win. I can't stop thinking of what will happen when we're back at my apartment and how it will feel. How do you manage to look so calm?

"Do you have everything we'll need?" You suddenly ask, glancing over at me. Maybe you're not as calm as you appear.

"I think so," I assure him. "l've got condoms, tube, I put on fresh sheets."

You chuckle. "Wow, um, I'm not sure l'm up for that whether it's you or me getting all lubed up." You rub your hands on your pants legs.

"Oh." For some reason I just thought... that was clearly a conversation we should have had. It didn't seem like something for the heat
of the moment. "Yeah, we'll talk about it."

"But not too much. Buying me dinner did put me in the mood so something is definitely happening tonight. l've just been sitting here thinking about all the things we can do to each other."

I suck in a deep breath. "That's why you've been so quiet?"

You smirk at me then put your hand on my thigh where it belongs. "When I touch you this time, you better be rock hard, P'."

No problem, I already am. Why is my apartment so damn far away?!

You shift your hand up further and I wish the streets were empty and we were in the middle of nowhere so I could park and you could do whatever to me that's making you blush.

"You just went around your block twice."


"P' Bai!"

Stop being cute when I want to take your clothes off. You giggle and hop out of the car as soon as we park.

"Hurry up!"

l'm so focusing on chasing you up the stairs I stumble more than once. I'm going to have bruises on my Shins in the morning.

I don't care.

"This door needs your key," you say sensually and I want to do things to you you just said were off limits.

Don't tease me.

"You need help with that?" you ask crowding in.

My hands are shaking with excitement and I can't get the key in. You wrap your hand around mine and guide it inside. You press against my back as we enter and I truly understand how it feels to have weak knees. The door clicks closed behind us and you wrap your arms around me.

"P' Bai," you whisper in my ear. I shiver. I can feel the grin on your lips when you kiss the back of my neck. "Can I show you what l've been thinking about."

I groan.

"You can do anything you want to me.

"You can do anything you want to me

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