My Choice

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*AN: Here it goes, the last chapter!! I want to thank everyone that supported this fic (which is really special to me) and wrote me such amazing comments!! You guys make the total difference! ❤️*

It is incredible how life can change in a heartbeat. How everything is okay on one moment and, before you know it, your whole world falls apart right before your eyes.

It was impossible for Sirius to describe how he felt when Remus got shot. No words could be strong enough to tell what it was like to see the man he loved being carried away from him. And as Sirius saw those amber eyes closing, eyes that used to look at him with so much life in them, it was like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest and stepped on it.

The explosions were too strong and the rebels were everywhere, so the guards hadn't been able to take Sirius to the royal family's safe place. Instead, they had taken him to a small hidden room on the second floor, barely big enough for one person to sit comfortably.

The attack lasted for hours, and each minute of them was unbearable. Sirius cried so much during that time that he was actually surprised there was any water left on his body.

And as he sat there on the dusty floor, waiting for the attack to be over and bawling his eyes out, he wondered if the universe would be cruel enough to take his Remus from him like that.

About five hours had passed and Sirius was sitting with his head between his knees when he suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened.


He lifted his head and leaped to his feet  in the speed of light, almost jumping in relief as he saw James standing there in front of him.


The man was covered in dust from head to toe and he looked utterly exhausted, but it was clear that his expression lightened a bit as he saw Sirius.

"Thank the heavens you're okay, Sirius. I came here as soon as it was safe."

Sirius had other matters in mind, though, and immediately grabbed James' shoulders with urgency, "James, where is Remus?"

"He's in the hospital wing."

Without even bothering to answer, Sirius passed by the other man and began running in the direction of the infirmary. However, James called him back before he could go very far.

"Sirius, wait!"

Sirius stopped in his tracks and turned around, confusion written on his face, "What's wrong?"

He watched as James hesitated slightly before finally letting out a sad sigh and beginning to respond.

"Poppy said he lost a lot of blood, Sirius. He's not awake yet and she said she doesn't know...when he will wake up."

Sirius felt his knees weaken beneath him and he would have fallen if it wasn't for James' hands reaching out to him and keeping him up. His breathing became more labored and he felt his vision begin to blur, panic filling his whole body once again.

James had covered that up pretty well, but Sirius still had managed to notice the small hesitation before the 'when', making it seem like other man had changed Pomfrey's words. Which could only mean...

Madame Pomfrey didn't know 'if' Remus would wake up again.

Sirius had no idea how much time had passed before he finally came back to his senses and noticed that James was saying something to him, while still supporting most of his weight.

"...took him to surgery as soon as she could, Sirius. Now you need to have faith. You need to be strong, for the both of you."

"I need to go, James," he spoke after forcefully swallowing the lump in his throat, "I need to be there with him."

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