Chapter 12: the Empire

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You groaned, turning around and burying your face between your arms.

"(Y/n)!" The voice called louder.

"What?" You huffed, letting your hands plop on yore blanket.

Your eyes let barely open and your entire body felt like a sack of potatoes.

"You wanted me to wake you when something interesting happens?"

Finally you could hear clear enough to recognize the voice.

"Fett?" You asked sleepily and rubbed your eyes.

"Who else? Now get up."

His steps echoed from walks of your room, growing quieter and quieter. You yawned and pulled the blanket up to your chin. Suddenly, his head, or rather helmet, popped up in the doorframe again.

"As much as I want to let you sleep, you have to get up now."

"Alright, alright." You mumbled, yawning again, before you stepped out of the bed.

Immediately, you missed the comforting warmth and sighed. For whatever reason he had woken you, it'd better be worth it. Still sleepy, you slipped into your shoes and put on your jacket, before you combed through your hair with your hand. A sudden quake passed through the ship, making you stumble forward. You caught yourself on the doorframe, before you straightened up again.

"The hell was that?" You yelled, assuming the bounty hunter was up in the cockpit.

"We landed." You heard his muffled voice and sighed.


From above, you could hear how steps, before his feet appeared on the ladder as he climbed down.

"You'll see." He said while turning around, freezing as he saw you.

"What?" You asked annoyed.

He didn't answer. Slowly, he moved one of his hands up and combed through your hair. A blush spread on your face, but you let it happen. Suddenly, he pulled away.

"There." He said monotonous. "A strand was out of place."

The bounty hunter walked past you, leaving you flustered.

"You coming?" He called and you turned around quickly, running after him.

"So..." you started, but he laid his hand in your mouth before you could finish your sentence.

"From now on, you keep your mouth shut and only talk when you're asked to. No sassy comments, no insults. Did I make myself clear?"

You nodded, his hand still covering your mouth.

"Good." He said, pulling his hand away again.

"Why...?" You started again, but the same moment, the hatch of Slave 1 opened.

Your jaw dropped as soon as you recognized the typical white armor of imperial stormtroopers. And as if that wasn't enough, one single person stood out like no other. Probably because he was the only one to wear complete black. You hissed through your teeth, suddenly extremely nervous.

"Everything's alright." Boba said quietly, his hand brushing against yours before he gave it a short, reassuring squeeze.

Then, he stepped outside the starship. Having no idea what you were supposed to do, you stumbled after him, your gaze twitching nervously between the stormtroopers and Darth Vader.

"Fett." The Sith Lord greeted shortly as you and the bounty hunter reached him.

"Vader." He responded monotonous.

Nervous, you folded your hands behind your back. You had no idea what would happen next, let alone what you should do.

"I see you brought a companion." Vader said, tilting his head a bit.

Immediately, Fett stepped in front of you, making you blink in surprise.

"No need for such actions." The Sith continued. "I will not harm her. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine."

"We both know that isn't true." The bounty hunter answered and for a moment both man glared at each under through their helmets, leaving a tense feeling in the air.

You took a shivering breath, feeling very uncomfortable with the situation. Suddenly, the head of the Sith Lord snapped towards you and you flinched, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Where are my manners?" He suddenly said, taking a step forwards.

Fett only stepped closer to you, but Vader shoved him aside.

"I assume you already know my name, but I can't remember having heard yours." He said with a little bow.

Surprised by his action, you tensed up a bit. As you answered you tried to sound as confident as possible, which was pretty difficult with your shaking hands.

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). I am a bounty hunter and currently working with Fett."

"With Fett." Vader repeated. "It's been a long time since I heard something like this. Normally, the people work for Fett."

You swallowed, not knowing what you were supposed to do now. Seeing how uncomfortable you felt, the bounty hunter stepped forward, drawing attention to himself.

"We've got the bounty." He said coldly.

"Excellent." Vader answered while turning around, his cape following the movement dramatically. "My men will take care of him. Now, if you would follow me, please."

Insecure, you looked towards Fett, who gave you a short nod, before walking after the Sith Lord. You followed his example, trying to look as confident as possible.

"I believe you must be tired after such a difficult hunt." Vader said and Fett scoffed.

"It takes more than a bounty to exhaust me."

"I was not talking to you."

Startled by the fact the Sith Lord spoke to you again, you tensed up, giving Fett a helpless look.

"There is no need to be nervous, my dear." Vader said, turning around and tilting his head at your surprised expression.

"I can sense your feelings." He stated short. "And I can sense you are tired."

With a wink of his hand, two stormtroopers stepped forward, facing you. The same moment, Fett was by your side, glaring at the armored men.

"We will you provide a room as long as you decide to stay." Vader stated. "Please follow my guards. They will lead you to your stay."

"No." Fett said, his voice cold and sharp as ice.

"No harm will be done to her. Now step aside."

You glanced at the bounty hunter, who glared at the Sith Lord without showing any intention to move. A strange, fuzzy feeling spread in your stomach, knowing that the bounty hunter tried to protect you. But you didn't want him to get into trouble because of you, so you carefully laid a hand on his arm, making him turn towards you.

"I'm gonna be okay." You said quietly. "I will just stay in my room and wait."

The bounty hunter stayed silent for a minute, staring at you through the visor of his helmet. Finally he stepped aside, giving way for you to follow the two stormtroopers.

"Take care." He said monotonous and you nodded, giving him a warm smile, before you went past him, following the white armored men through the corridor.

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