The App

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Takes place during Season 1

Omar and Ander unknowingly download the same app. An app for men to hook up with other men.


Andres19: Hey and you are 
Bear_ofMadrid: Think of me as a father figure . I care for you. And make you feel welcome
Andres19:I have  a dad but he's not very nice

Bear_ofMadrid: What's wrong 
Andres19: My dad is always trying to make me the perfect son . He makes me play tennis even though I hate it
Bear_ofMadrid: My dad always tried to make me be a salesman like him even though I'm a much better cook. What do you like to do?
Andres19: I don"t really know. I like my friends. We all love to play video games.
Bear_ofMadrid: What kind of  food do you like?
Andres19: My dads food is nice . I love mangoes and sweet fruits and coconut milk smoothies and ice cream.

Bear_ofMadrid: Would you like to meet for dinner ? We could go to a bar and then I could take you home for dinner 

Andres19: Sure when are you available tonight? 

Bear_ofMadrid: Yes


Roman_dulcenino: Hello?

Alex_dinero: Are you really a sweet boy?
Roman_dulcenino: Why don't you find out? 
Alex_dinero: Alright fine how about I take you to the finest bar in town and I'll find out

Roman_dulcenino: Lets go tonight

Alex_dinero: I like your fire. Fine lets meet

Ander: Later that night

I look for the mystery man I was talking to earlier today. The bar is large and full of men. Dancers everywhere. My mom hasn't called me so that's a good sign. I look around. The bartender notices I'm lost
" you looking for someone ?" He asks

" Yes" I reply

" Where'd you two meet?" He asks

" on an app" I reply
" Do you know what he looks like?" He says
" No I'm expecting a large hairy guy though. That's all I know about him" I say

" Tough cookies there are a million of those around here" the bartender says

Right as I sit down I notice a familiar face in the bar. Its my dealer . His beard and smile and chipped tooth. Its the boy he never told me his name. He's here with another person from my tennis lessons. He's an older wealthier man. I never knew he liked men. 
" Your best chance of finding your fella is to go through the crowd and ask around" The bartender says. 
I go around and I knew I found him because he wore the name on his chest. I finally see him and we dance in the crowd

Omar: Later that night

I was greeted by Alex's chaffeur . Alex said he would meet me by the lake to pick me up. I get into Alex's car which in hindsight is a dumb idea since he is a stranger. He is an older wealthier white man. He looks sporty. We ride to the club together. After disappearing into the bathrooms. We make out intensely then begin to have sex. 

" since you're a sweet boy I'm going to take you to get milkshakes but first let me introduce you to my friend" He says

I'm scared now . I heard stories of people beating people up or kidnapping people they met on these sites . His friends is apparently a man who visits this bar frequently 

" Would you like to come home for dinner " The man says
But the boy he brought with him he looks familiar. Oh shit its the boy Christian introduced me to.

" How about I take the four of us home for a nice meal " The man says

Ander:The ride to the castle

I just locked eyes with the dealer that Christian in troduced me to . And  he's here with the man I once took tennis lessons from. As we get inside the car; Which is more of a limousine we drive until we reach a house that honestly looks like a castle. The older man make us a meal. But Omar and I look at each other . When the older men relaize something is going on they wink and nod.

" How do you two know each other ?" Alex says

" Friends from school" Omar says

" Well until I changed schools" Ander replies

" Do you two need alone time?" They ask
" Preferably yes" Omar says

Ander and Omar excuse themselves to the bedroom.

This is my first Omander story I hope you enjoy.  Also I dont condone sexual or romantic relatio nshiups between adults and minors if you watch ELite you know that Ander lied about his age to join the app. Also do not get into cars with strangers ever! Please comment, vote etc. share. If you like :). Also if you want to check out my Rebeka/Valerio x fem oc story called narco barbie love me and my Rebemuel one shots story :). 

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