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Almost two years ago...
February 21st, 2016, 8:30am

The fifteen year old girl was excited. After two extra years of waiting, she'd finally shifted. She was out on her morning run when it happened... She shifted into a black wolf that looked just like her twin brother Raiden's wolf except a little smaller. The girl's wolf's name is Raven.

She couldn't wait to tell her twin when she got to school.

Finally, she could join her twin and her dad's evening runs without needing to ride on one of their backs.

She was in human form, walking through the forest towards her highschool. Her long black hair was tucked behind her right ear and resting on her left shoulder. Her black eyes glimmered with a rare excitement.

She was hungry like she usually was in the mornings since she never eats breakfast. Why not eat if she's hungry, you may ask. It's because of the girl's mother, Brianna. The mom doesn't let her daughter eat. She forces her daughter to make the family meals and secretly starves and hits the girl. Why does Brianna do this?

To make sure the girl doesn't tell anyone about the mother's affair.

When the girl was ten, she walked in on Brianna furiously kissing her pack's Alpha, Leon Myers. Of course, neither the Luna, Carrie, or the beta, Zander, who was the girl's dad, knew about the affair. No one did. Brianna and Leon threatened the girl to make sure she kept their secret. Brianna hit the girl occasionally, three or four times a week. Leon also hit the girl, he did everyday, but he never did it in front of Brianna because he knows she wants him all to herself and would say he shouldn't waste his energy on hitting the girl.

And that's not all. Behind her twin's back, the girl was bullied by his three friends, especially the future-Alpha, Asher Myers. The girl was the high school social outcast. Her only friend, Kia, was Asher's half sister and she usually hung around Asher or Raiden so the girl couldn't escape Asher's constant bullying. He threatened her too and made her promise not to say anything to her twin about what Asher was secretly doing to her. Asher knew that Raiden would immediately step in and protect his twin.

The girl never told Raiden or her father that she was being abused and bullied. Brianna and Leon said her father would leave her if she told him. Asher and his friends said Raiden didn't even like her, that the only reason he watched over her was because he felt obligated to as her twin and that he would leave her if she told him anything Asher or his friends were doing to her. Foolishly, the girl believed them and didn't want to be left alone so she kept her mouth shut.

The girls reached the highschool, Oakland High. She could see Raiden, Asher and their friends Scott and Dean gathered in the parking lot. Summoning up the courage to face her twin's friends she takes as long as possible to cross the parking lot without looking odd or mentally unstable. But everyone already thinks she is anyway.

As she got closer to the group, she saw Asher's head shoot up and he looked around. He seemed to be smelling the air. His gaze landed on the girl and he let out a frustrated growl. His friends' gaze turned to the girl as well.

That's when she smelt it. Earth and maple. Her mate. But she wasn't sixteen! Werewolves can only find their mate when they turn sixteen! Unless...

Mentally, the girl facepalmed. She completely forgot it was Asher's sixteenth birthday. That's why she could smell her mate. They were mates.

Go to him, go to him, go to him! Raven chanted excitedly.

No, the girl said, already feeling her heart breaking. He hates me. He'll reject us.

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