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louis poo is facetiming

this is it. i was finally going to actually talk to louis partridge in real time. it might seem silly that i find this so surreal regarding the past month that i've been talking to him, but he has been the one celebrity i constantly think about on repeat since i first saw him as tewkesbury in enola holmes. it also meant i was this much closer to becoming actual friends with him instead of him just being a mere set on pixels in a picture on my screen. besides, texting louis set the illusion that i was just some fan that dmed him and he miraculously decided to reply.

i've been overthinking so much to the point where i almost missed his call.

calm down, juliet. it's 11 pm. nothing is awkward at 11 pm. shit i'm overthinking again. okay just do it.

and with that, i press accept.

"hey heeyyy" it was louis partridge. it was really louis partridge. i always had this small thought bubble that would process from time to time that the person i've been texting wasn't actually him, but this just confirmed it.

"hi!" oh god. i sounded like someone who paid to facetime their favourite celebrity. did my voice crack? i can't tell. what if he thinks i sound gross. oh my god what if he thinks i'm ugly. what if he hates my personality. WHAT IF HE HATES EVERYTHING ABOU-

"jules. i can tell you're nervous," well. he hates me- "you don't have to be nervous when you're talking to me. we've been texting almost everyday for a month now. this isn't so different." louis' voice really did sound calming. i loosened up a bit when he let out a small laugh.

"you know, partridge, laughing at me isn't very helpful. but thank you. it's just that i can't change the fact that i've been practically in love with tewkesbury since september." have i said too much? it's not like i said i was in love with him. was i? oh my god slow down juliet you've known each other for a month. but was i? no.

"oh so you love me?" louis presented this odd smirk that one would make if they've just gotten away with committing arson every time i even mention the slightest hint that i'm in love with him. which i'm not. yet.

"don't flatter yourself love," again. what is wrong with me. without giving him time to milk this, i bring up something completely unrelated. "want to watch a movie?"

"anndd how would that work, dupont?" something about the way he says my last name.

"netflix party? it's this extension where we choose something off of netflix and you can watch with other people." 

"sick. which movie are we watching because it's not going to be enola holmes." i was much to indecisive for this.

i sit there looking confused, waiting for him to notice and choose one out himself. i would normally be the upmost bit of awkward, but with him, i wasn't.

"looks like you're having a bit of trouble there, dupont. let me help you out after i get the extension. what did you say it was called again?" oh thank god for this man.

"netflix party."

"thank you love." it was a sassy tone he said it in. did he think our relationship was purely platonic that he could just call me "love" with no specific emotion? there i go, overthinking the whole situation once again.

we both agreed on "perks of being a wallflower".

i wasn't so sure why i was so terribly afraid to talk to louis when in reality, he was incredibly easy to talk to.

authors note: thank you so much for 200+ reads! i really do appreciate all of you <3 the next chapter will be in louis' pov so don't worry. the facetime will not be left on a cliffhanger :)

chapters won't usually be this long (though it isn't very long in the first place) thank you again!! -tate

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