𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Like some kind of sadist
I think that he likes
to see the pain in my eyes"

Chapter Twenty Four


    "Say that you're fine, you had an accident and someone helped you out. You'll be here for a little while longer, perhaps you're thinking about an early retirement." He placed the laptop onto the bed before wandering to the closet and pulling the door open to expose a separate room. It was gigantic, even with my blurry vision I could see it. "Let's get you dressed shall we? I wouldn't want them to think I haven't been taking care of you."

     "You haven't really." The words slipped past the two trapdoors I call lips before I could force them shut.

Curse me and my brass balls.

     "Excuse me?" He moved from the closet with a silk dress in hand. When no response came to my lips he strode to the bed, holding authority with every step taken. Anyone in their right minds would fall to submission at the frightening demeanor.

     But fuck I've been off my meds.

     "You tried to drown me last night, Marco. The week prior you embarrassed me in front of an entire restaurant and then I was shot because I was with you. I'd say that.." His glare became too intrusive to carry on with my sentence. It lured me in and put a stop to the never ending ramble.

     The green satin was thrown aside, the hanger hitting the wooden foot frame with a Clack. My attention had been so focused on the dress I failed to notice Marcos movement. The bed dipped as he moved on top of me, the movement sent pain to my wound.

If this was in DC with different context I wouldn't have been so anxious about Marco being on top me. The problem with this context was that Marco was a Wolf, and as strong as I am.. I was nothing more than a rabbit in his territory.

     "I warned you last night Elvira." With one hand Marco kept himself hovering above me while the other hand snaked its way around my throat.  "I love that you've got fire in you, I do. However I refuse to accept this disrespect." The grip was anything less than threatening to me. Nothing like the one he had on me last night in the bathtub.

     "Oh? I didn't know you were the kinky type Marco." The movement it would take to get Marco off and fight him afterwards would hurt me so much more than it would be worth.

     "What?" Confusion flooded his expressions. The hand around my throat lessened it's grip from both shock and entertainment.

     "Really I think you'd be the type to claim he was super kinky and then pull out pink handcuffs. At first I thought you'd be like Christian Grey, but now? If you're going to put your hand around my neck at least make my face turn red from the lack of oxygen."

     Marcos eyebrows rose further up his forehead as I spoke. His lips slowly curled into a smile, and he bent himself down so that his lips brushed against my ear. "Oh?" The hot breath warmed my ear. It caused bubbles of sweat to collect at my core.

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