Chapter 13

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÷&÷&÷&÷CC's POV÷&÷&÷&÷
I was sitting on my bed trying to comprehend what was going on. Apparently the girls' dead dad had somehow come back to life to tell them that he wasn't actually dead? SO HE'S A ZOMBIE!! Ok now I'm overreacting... or not.
"AAAHHHH!" I screamed at my own thoughts causing Jinxx to come running in my room.
"Why did you scream? What happened? Does Mama Jinxx need to cut a bitch?" Jinxx asked all in one breath.
"No Mama Jinxx I was just screaming at myself. He he." I chuckled weakly.
"Ummm ok." He said and slowly walked out.
!&#€!&! Cheyenne's POV! &#€!&!
"What the absolute fuck dad?! How come you didn't come see us beforehand?! It would've been great to get a call saying 'Hey I know you think I died and all but in actuality I'm still alive and shit!' Your such an asshole!" I yelled.
"Cheyenne sweetie please calm down. There is no need to cuss alright." My dad said calmly.
"No dad. There is every reason to fucki-" Chelsea was interrupted by Ashley putting his hand over her mouth and pulling her away.
"Ashley what the-" I was interrupted by Andy doing the same exact thing Ash did.
"What the hell Andy?!" I exclaimed to my boyfriend as soon as he let me go.
"Cheyenne, babe, I think you need to calm down. Y-Your kind of overreacting." He said nervously.
"How am I overreacting?! Seriously how would you feel if after six or seven years of you thinking your dad is dead he just shows up on your doorstep saying 'Hey I didn't actually die.'?! And where the hell are we?!" I screamed having no idea where he dragged me off to.
"We're in our room and I guess I get how you feel but I think calling him an asshole is going a bit too far. Maybe you and Chelsea should take a breather and eat then talk to your dad later maybe even tomorrow. You just need to calm down alright?" He whispered.
"Right good idea. Let's just calm down while I'm freaking out inside because I hav-" I was interrupted by Andy pressing his lips to mine.
I immediately calmed down while all I heard from the other side of the wall was Chelsea yelling at Ash. Honestly this is exactly what I needed. I just needed someone to be there, just be there and for the first time it wasn't my sister and - I know this sounds bad but- I didn't want it to be her either.
I wrapped my arms around his neck a minute or two before he pulled away. After he pulled away he leaned his forehead against mine and looked at me with a smile on his face. I smile back as if telling him I'm ok.
#=_÷_=×Ash's POV=_÷_=×
I was currently getting yelled at by my girlfriend. Did I understand half the things she was saying? Nope. She sounded like she was drunk as hell. She was running words together and slurring.
I honestly had no idea what to do so I -gently- threw her on the bed then climbed on top of her which seemed to shut her up but I didn't know what else to do. I think she caught on because she gently grabbed my face then kissed me softly then pulled away making me pout.
She laughed as she kissed me again. I'm kind of glad that worked I mean at least it calmed her down.
"Wait a minute!" She said as she pulled away. Shit. "Your doing this to stop me from yelling at you aren't ya? Aren't ya?!" Damn she sounded so country right then.
"Maaaayyyyybbbbeeeeee..." I said only making her madder.
She pushed me off and continued to yell at me about whatever she was yelling about. I wasn't listening so I have no idea why she was yelling. I just occasionally answered with a 'yeah' or 'yup' so she thought I was actually listening. This is gonna be a long day.
÷€÷€÷a few hours later÷€÷€÷
"The secret ingredient in a krabby patty is a pinch of King Neptune's Poseidon Powder?!" I heard CC yell ceasing Chelsea's yelling. Thank god.
We walked out of our room to find CC on the computer with something on it that most likely involved the krabby patty secret formula. Me and Jake were looking at him completely confused while everyone was just looking at him with a 'really?' face. He turned around to see us all standing behind him.
"What? I got curious." He shrugged.

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