Chapter I -The Englishman-

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Translations at end of chapter

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{Talking on the Floocall/through Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter I

–The Englishman–

Summer 1949


Harry frowned when an Outsider was brought into his office. This Outsider was most likely British or American, that light skin was too much of a giveaway.

«What is going on, Marco?» He asked his co-worker police which supposedly was on holidays in the beach. A good proof being his sun-darkened skin.

«This is one of yours.» Marco argued as he made the Outsider sit down. «Doesn't know or care enough to know that wands are forbidden.»

Harry massaged his eyebrows, before he nodded at Marco who left.

"My apologies about my" «colega.» "He doesn't remember his English classes." Harry picked a pamphlet and looked at it to be certain it was the right one and in the right language before offering it up. "No magical wands policy." He explained.

The Outsider frowned and opened the pamphlet, looking it up.

"I see... my apologies. I had my wand in it's wand holster."

"Holster..." Harry picked his English dictionary confused at the word.

"Wand pocket. A sleeve." The stranger offered and Harry nodded, looking up. Only for the other to show a leather material on his forearm under the sleeve. "A holster is usually used by Muggles for guns and swords."

«Oh. Of course...» Harry nodded thankfully and stored his dictionary. "Now, we need to pass you a wand permission with a no-Nomaj perimeter order... I've no idea how to word it in English, Mister... I fear I don't have your name," «Senhor.»

"Tom Riddle. And you explain yourself perfectly. I feared I had to try to speak in Portuguese myself."

"Our schools teach English classes, French classes and Spanish classes. Only two of the three. For World" «Mágico...»

"Wizardry World." Sr. Riddle amended.

Harry nodded thankfully.

"For Wizardry World is also Latin classes. So three languages" «mandatórias.»

"Besides Portuguese." Sr. Riddle offered and Harry nodded. "What do I require to sign?"

Harry quickly filled the form and gave the man to fill his full name, birthdays, country of origin and then sign at the bottom. When it was done it disappeared and then the permit popped in. Harry offered it.

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