Family Vacation

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Phil decides to take his sons on a little trip to Disney World as a reward for good grades in school.

Tommy is 7, Techno and Wilbur are 13,  Phil is 28.

Also I'm making their last name be Minecraft so yea. Just know that for future oneshots.


Getting the boy's things packed was a struggle. Phil had planned a trip to Disney World with his 3 sons and things weren't going to plan. Wilbur and Tommy were arguing over something, Techno was being scarily quiet, and Phil was trying to get things packed. Their flight was in less than 3 hours and even though Phil tried to get things done early, it wasn't working very well. 

Phil sighed, managing to get 2 bags packed. The other 3 were bags that had to contain his kids' things. He opened the door to the twins' room only to find Tommy and Wilbur fighting over a bag, clothes on the floor, and Techno sitting in a corner hugging his knees. Phil stared at his youngest and middle child (younger of the twins by 2 minutes) and crossed his arms. "Boys, why haven't you packed anything yet? and why is this room a mess?" The two turned to Phil. "Tommy is trying to take my bag!" Wilbur complained. "No I'm not! Its my bag!" Tommy glared at Wilbur. The fighting began again. 

Phil went over to Techno and crouched down beside him. "You ok Techno?" Techno shook his head. "I was trying to pack but they kept fighting and its driving me insane. I haven't gotten a single thing packed." Phil sighed and went over to the two fighting. He took the bag and gave it to Techno. The two got mad and looked at Phil. Phil turned to them "If you keep fighting then neither of you get it! Now, all 3 of you, pack your things, we have to leave for the airport in an hour. Hurry up" Phil left the room. 


time skip to arriving at 

Disney World because I'm lazy af


Phil smiled softly. The family of 4 had arrived at Disney. They had spent the night in a hotel and had just arrived at the large theme park. Tommy was super excited, Wilbur was excited just not as much as Tommy, and Techno looked like he wanted to run. Techno hated large crowds and just places with lots of people in general. He wasn't very good at being social like is extroverted brothers and most definitely preferred staying by himself. Phil knew that and was going to make sure Techno was alright during their time being there. They were staying for a week so it would be a while before they had to leave.

Tommy and Wilbur loved being there. They ran around, went on rides, got super hyper, fell asleep on the ride back to the hotel, and then repeat. Techno usually stayed with Phil while the other 2 went on rides. He didn't like many rides. He went on a few of them, ones that weren't so crazy, but other than that, he basically avoided going on rides. Phil didn't mind it.

Everything was going well, no issues whatsoever, until Tommy got lost. The little gremlin managed to sneak off somehow and now his family member were looking for him. Wilbur didn't seem to care that much while Phil and Techno panicked a lot. They called for Tommy, ran around looking for him, until Techno spotted him. The other 2 hadn't seen their youngest family member and didn't even notice when Techno ran towards where Tommy was. Tommy had snuck onto one of the rides somehow. 

It was one of those boat rides that took you through a certain story or movie. Tommy wasn't in a boat but had snuck onto where the actual show was. Techno had got onto a boat with some random people which made him panic but he gave off no emotion. About halfway through the ride, Techno spotted Tommy again and immediately jumped out of the boat. The other passengers were confused until they saw Tommy. The figured that Techno was getting him. Let's just say, the two got in trouble, Techno for leaving the boat when he wasn't supposed to and Tommy for sneaking in and doing what he did. 

Phil was especially not pleased, apologizing for his sons' behavior and grounding the two when they arrived back home. Tommy felt bad for getting Techno in trouble, since it wasn't his fault, and so, Tommy did both his and Techno's chores that were given as punishment during the week of them being grounded. Techno told him it was alright but Tommy, being the stubborn boy he is, insisted. Those 2 had been closer than ever because of that time. 









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