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I am writing this to explain what I have seen, more like who to be clear. All I can see is this face, but I don't know who's face this is. It is all I can see as I am running, running out of time and space and away from my past. It all comes into focus, its him I found him the one who I keep seeing. He is only a few steps away, and then I blink and he is gone. I reach down to grab my necklace and its gone, just gone. As I fall to the ground to look for it a hand grabs my arm and we start running, but the strange thing is I recognize this face but I don't know who this person is. I try to scream but nothing comes out, all I can do is run and run and run and run. So as im running i manage to ask some questions to the person who 'saved' me "who are you?' I ask. "Someone from your past, and I hope to be in your future." The stranger responds. "No like what is your name?" I almost yell. "Ok miss fiesty pants, my name is..." and i black out. I wake up sweating, who was that, i think to myself. As I look around I relize that i wasn't dreaming it was real, I search throught the crowed of trees I find who im looking for. "Where am I and what is your name and why am I here!" this time i do yell. "Ok ok ok... all of your questions will be answered in time." he responds calmly. " NO I dont want my questions to be answered in tme, I want them answered NOW!!!" i yell as i run and tackel him. "woaw now lets not get to ahead of ourselves now, I dont even know your name." he says very calmly. " well, darling i know as much about you as you know about me, so you answer my questions and i will aswer your, do we have a deal?" i snap quickly back.

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