Stay With Me.

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[Authors Note]

So guys!! I'm like going into year 11. Scary shit right there! Its so much responsibility and I'm leaving most of my friends, cause they're going to different schools! Sadness all around! :'[ I don't want to leave them! Im gonna cryyyy. So yeah, feeling a bit emotional right now. It'll pass, after schools done. CHRISTMAAAAAS. ohmygosh. I cannot wait, although I have to trek it like, 4 hours to my cousins house on Christmas Eve, then like Christmas day, I think, I drive all the way back home and then leave for Busselton, which is an hour away, to see my OTHER family. Fucking, great, hey!? -.- I swear, if I don't have my iPod with me, I'll die. ANYWHORE. I don't have a flying unicorn what the hell is going to happen with this story, like all my stories. I just make them up, and keep going with them when I get the time or the inspiration. ;3 so yeah, if you got ideas, do tell. Cause I'm clueless!

;] xoxo gossip goat. <-- snaaahp.

[Chapter 1; Meet Emily Newton]

I sat at the back of the bus, my black hood pulled down low and my headphones blasting Mayday Parade into my ears, blocking life and the world out. Thank god my parents decided to move to the country, specifically a place where there was barely any sun and always clouds covering the entire town. I was known as the 'city girl'. The girl who came from the big, scary city. I was in year twelve, and I was also a vampire. My entire family had no idea. Then again, I feed the food they fed me to the dog or stuff it in my pockets. I don't have any other choice. Whoever changed me left me in the middle of the forest, begging for death. The next thing I know, I'm waking up, noticing and hearing everything more than before. I could run faster than light and I could rip a massive oak tree out of the ground. My throat burned, like someone had shoved a blow torch down my mouth and left it there for a century, and I also had a pair of fangs that grew out when I was hungry or angry. I tended to hide them from the human population. It's been six months since then. Oh, my name? Emily. Emily Newton, one of the richest, most popular girls in school. I just happen to be a mythical creature that is undead and lives off animal blood. Who said teenage life was easy?

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