Chapter 1: First Meeting

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Chill was in the backseat of his parents car, quiet and upset, and going to his first day in his new school. He was just transferred from his old school and put in a new one. He had to loose all his friends and it hurt him a lot. But no matter how much he asked his parents to let him stay they told him that it didn't matter about how he felt, it was their decision and that was final. He knew there was no point in arguing, it would only make things worse for him.

The car stopped and Chill looked out the window. There it was, his new school. It was big compared to his old school. "Come on, let's go." his mom said, opening her door. Chill followed suit, picking up his spongebob book bag. The pair walked to the front of the building and entered. They found their way to the main office, where a receptionist was.

"Hi! How may I help you?" she asked happily. "Hello, my son was transferred here and is starting school today." his mom responded , gesturing in his general direction. As his mom and the receptionist talked and gathered information about his new class, Chill looked around and zoned out. The walls were a boring beige color, the only color coming from the posters on the wall talking about anti-drugs and drinking. 'What are drugs? And what's wrong with drinking? I love drinking orange juice!' Chill thought, his six year old brain trying to decipher the meaning.

He was lost in this thoughts and was only brought back by his mother calling his name. He turned around and listened to her say "Chill, she's going to show you where your class is. Behave. You're going to need to walk home since your father and I have work." The receptionist stood up and took Chill's hand. "Come on, it's this way." she gently said, leading him to the door. "Okay, bye mama! Love you!" Chill waved goodbye to his mom, but she just turned and left without saying a word. He didn't mind but when he looked at the lady that was taking him to his class he saw the displeased look on her face. But it quickly changed once she realized Chill was looking at her. "This way." she lead him down the hall and up a set of stairs. They both stopped in front of a class and she told him "This is your class. Your teacher's name is Mr. Marino. If you ever have any questions about where a classroom is or the layout of the school you can ask him. Okay?" Chill nodded and watched the lady knock on the closed door.

A man opened the door and looked down at Chill. "Is this the new student?" he asked, looking at the secretary. "No John, I just like bringing random kids to your classroom." she responded, rolling her eyes. He shook his head and chuckled. "Come on in Chill." John said, moving to let him get in. Chill waved goodbye to the secretary and entered, herring the secretary wishing him a good first day. The teacher closed the door and stood next to Chill.

"Class, this is our new student! Please introduce yourself and give us one fun fact about you." John said loudly, trying to calm the energetic class of young children. The class settled and were all staring at Chill. "Hi! I'm Chill and um, I can climb trees." Chill held onto his book bag straps a little tighter while introducing himself, a little nervous. The kids seemed impressed by his tree climbing abilities for a moment before going back to chaos once more. The teacher nodded and said "Your desk is over there and your class partners Grill. Sorry about that" The teacher whispered that part, regret in his voice. Chill looked to his seat and saw a boy with extremely light blonde hair and green eyes sitting next to his desk. He looked angry and was scribbling on his desk.

Chill made his way to his desk and sat down. The kid didn't even bother to say hello, or to even look at him. "Hi, I'm Chill! Nice to meet you!" Chill greeted, trying to get along with his partner. "Don't talk to me." Grill mumbled, glaring at Chill now. "Oh, sorry." Chill immediately apologized, not wanting anyone to be angry at him, especially on his first day. That seemed to satisfy Grill since he went back to drawing on his desk.

Chill looked up to the front of the class and saw the teacher teaching something. The kid in front of him turned and looked at him. "Hi! I'm Nova! Don't worry about Grill, he's mean to everyone." Nova said cheerfully. Grill looked at him angrily and stopped scribbling. Nova looked at him and asked "What? Did I say something wrong?" Grill was silent, which made Nova laugh and say "Of course I didn't. You're just always mad." Grill tensed up and muttered "No I'm not!" Nova came back with "You're mad right now!" Grill started to tremble, Chill seeing the fire of pure hot hatred on his eyes. Nova looked amused and said "What's wrong? Are you going to go home and tell your daddy that someone was mean to you? Wait, you can't do that, you don't have a daddy!" The pencil in Grill's hand snapped in half and angry tears went to the corners of his eyes. Chill couldn't stay quiet anymore and pleaded "Can you guys please stop fighting? It's not nice."

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