I awaken to Angel Bunny angrily making loud noises. " Oh my I am so sorry Angel bunny." I say getting up fast to feed him. " I can't wait for my lunch which rainbow dash. She so tough and strong and....." I say but stop as Angel bunny notices me blushing. " Oh us sorry." I say embarrassed. 'Wait why was I saying those things about rainbow dash, and why was I blushing' I think to myself. I think nothing of it and continue to wait for my lunch with Rainbow dash. I soon realize I'm 5 minutes late. " Oh no... bye angel bunny. I'll be back real soon." I say flying away. I quickly fly to the place I'm having lunch with rainbow dash is. " H-hi rainbow d-dash." I say quietly sitting down in front of her. " Hi Fluttershy. Late again huh? Can't blame y'a. Once you get comfortable in your bed you never wanna leave." She says. I start to blush heavily as she stares right at me. " Uh flutters you ok?" She asks. "Oh Uh yeah." I say in a voice barely above a whisper. I start up blush even more, my face turns a deep shade of red. " Alright whatever you say, it's just you're blushing really heavily." Rainbow dash says. " It's nothing." I say a little tiny bit louder. " Alright." She says in an unsure tone. We eat and I have to head back home " It was really nice seeing you rainbow dash." I say not wanting to leave her presence. " It was nice seeing you too." Rainbow dash says smiling. She flies away and I fly back to my cottage. I quickly feed my animals and lay down. " Why do I feel this way about rainbow?" I ask myself outloud. I lay there for hours not knowing night has slowly crept over my cottage. " Goodnight Angel." I say laying down. I fall asleep thinking about Rainbow dash.