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"Natsu! Natsu wake up, please!" Lucy screamed.

She cradled his body in her arms. He must of been hit by one of the rocks when he was saving me, she thought. She couldn't help but feel responsible. She felt for Natsu's pulse. Thankfully it was still there, but his breathing was choppy and slow. Lucy acted quickly, gathering supplies from her bag and rapped up Natsu's wound. The bleeding slowed and his breathing returned to normal, but he did not wake.

"I'm so sorry Natsu," she said.

She brought a pillow and wet towel over to him so that he could relax while he was down. After doing all she could for Natsu, she took the time to examine herself and surrounding. She knew for a fact that there was no way out of the cave other than the entrance and she also guessed that Happy was still outside since she hadn't heard his voice. Lucy lit a small fire in the cave and took a look at herself. Her Cloths were ripped and she was covered in dirt.

"I really need a bath," she said.

She decided to go to the spring inside the cave and wash up. She picked up her cloths and walked over too Natsu.

"I'll be back soon, I promise," she said.

As she looked at his sleeping face she was overcome by a feeling that willed her to do something she'd never done. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Please get better soon." She said as she stood and headed for the spring.

The air in the cave became thick as Lucy walked deeper and deeper into the mountainside. The air was warm against her face and it smelled sweet. When she turned the next corner she saw the spring created by a small stream of water that was flowing from the cave walls into a little pool.

Lucy turned on a light lacrima so she could see as she slowly waded into the pool. Her wounds instantly felt better. This is so nice she thought. She sat in the spring for a while washing her arms, legs, and between her breast. When she was done, she thought she should get back to Natsu, but then she thought of what she did to Natsu. "Another person had to save me again because I was weak," she said to herself. Lucy's mind was flooded with memories of the Tartars war and of Aquarius. "Why hadn't I been stronger," she thought, "If I hadn't been weak than maybe I could have saved..." Tears began to well up in her eyes. She couldn't even think of it, and she couldn't even imagine losing Natsu. "Why Natsu, why would you do that."

Almost as if to answer her, she head a voice from inside the cave yelling "Lucy!" She jumped at the sound of her name. She shined the lacrima over to the entrance and saw Natsu standing there in a daze.

"Natsu what are you..."

"I came to find you because..." he started but he fell before he could finish.

Lucy jumped to catch him, but he was to heavy and they both fell into the water. He was still injured, terribly injured, why would he come looking for her? Lucy pulled him above the water and helped him gain his balance.

"Natsu why would you come looking for me when you're so injured."

"Because I was worried," he said breathing heavily, "when I woke up I couldn't find you Lucy. I thought... I thought you were."

"I'm right here," she said, "I'm right here. You saved me you always save me."

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. Through his wet cloths she could feel his rigid toned back muscles, and that strange feeling came over her again. What is this feeling she thought. She held him tighter. I don't want to let him go.

"Lucy what is this," Natsu asked. He held her in his arms. "What is this feeling, I don't understand it but I don't want to let go of you." His rough fingers dug into her silky smooth skin.

When Lucy looked up at him, he looked so confused, so innocent, it was cute she thought. She didn't know what this feeling was but she knew what she wanted.

"The reason I wanted to train for a year was so that I when I came back I would be strong enough to protect you because I don't want to lose you. I can't lose anyone else."

That was all it took to push Lucy over the edge and give into this feeling. She put her hand behind Natsu's head , pulled him down and kissed him softly. His lips were warm and a little bit cracked but she didn't care. It was the best feeling of her life. For the next few minutes they stood there and kissed each other without pulling away. They were completely infatuated with each other beyond their understanding.

As Lucy reluctantly pulled away and stared into Natsu's eyes she said, "If you really don't want to lose me, theN promise to stay by my side. Because remember what I said? It's more fun..."

"When were together." Natsu finished. She smiled and kissed him again.


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