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1. Jisoo
Writer: You're the oldest among the members, what do you think about your youngest member?

Jisoo: Ah Moony~ By the way, I created that nickname because her name is related to moon kkkkk.
Hmm.. Where to start...
Okay, she's a very independent girl, drink a lot of tea, she barely scared of something except for butterflies and birds... and ocean- actually I don't really gets why she's afraid of butterflies I mean they're beautiful.

Writer to Luna through a phone call: Luna-ya why do you scared of butterflies?

Luna: Butterflies? I don't know I just don't like the way they fly. They're quite fragile too, it makes me don't wanna get near them. I'm afraid I'll get them hurt.

Writer: .....

Jisoo : ..... Yeah she's very empathetic and dramatic too. One time our concert crew got a little tiny cut on their wrist and she was like "Aigoo aigoo gwenchana? Ah that must be hurt I can feel the pain on my wrist aigoo.. Someone help him..." and the crew was like "Chill.. It's just a little cut."

Writer: (The writer hang up on Luna) I see, thank you for your time, eonnie.


2. Jennie
Writer: If you were living in a time where people fight with bow and arrows, who do you think will be the last to die among the members?

Jennie: Luna. Definitely Luna. I swear she's really good at archery. I once thought she was an archery athlete or maybe ever took a course on it but she said she didn't. She's just naturally good at it. And she's very strong too. You will never see her get tired even once. I envy her for that kkkk.
Oh! She has a great vision too, it's like 20/20. She also has a good reflex like she can catch anything you throw at her without even look at it.

Writer: Impressive. Thank you for your time, Jennie-ssi.


3. Rosè
Writer: Hello, Rosè, I have a question for you that I think I know the answer to but I just wanna make sure. If you can marry one of the members, who would it be?

Rosè: Hahahahah I got asked that question a lot. Well, like I always said, I'd marry Luna.

Writer: Why is that so?

Rosè: Because she's a really romantic person. She might doesn't seem like it but she's very very romantic. One time I went to Australia by myself for 2 days and once I got there she's already spamming my phone with messages. She was like, "Babes did you landed yet? How was your flight? Did the pilot drive the plane smoothly? Aigoo why didn't you reply my text? Babes? Babes?!" and an hour after that she sent me a video of herself singing a song that she write for me right when I leave for Australia.

Writer: Really? Can you sing it a little bit for us?

Rosè: Umm I don't know if Luna would let me sing it to everyone but it goes a little bit like this..
"One of these days, you'll miss your flights and come stay with me
We'll have drinks and talk about things and any excuse to stay awake with you~"
(Notes: It's Ariana Grande's song called Goodnight and Go but I changed the lyrics a little bit.)

Writer: Awhh that's actually really sweet. Now I wanna merry her too.


4. Lisa
Writer: What does Luna usually do in the dorm?

Lisa: She can do a lot of things in one day. She barely sleep at night, that's for sure. But she always been the first one to wake up. I don't even know how she have so much energy like that. Okay let me tell you how her regular days go, it's basically when we don't have any schedules. She would wake up at 3; always make a cup of tea first then read a book until 5, then go outside with Sammy (her dog) until 7, have her breakfast then go to the studio to like play drums and I believe she writes a lot of songs there too but she never admit it.
Wait what else... Oh right, go to gym with me at 11, spent the rest of the day outside to play with her skateboard then go back home at 3 to do some stuff then went to the studio again to practice her dance and sleep  at 12.

Writer: What if you have schedules to do?

Lisa: She would still go to bed at 12 and wake up at 3 tho. Even though she has busy schedule she would fine a way to drink her cup of tea while reading in the morning and walk her dog out. Those are like 2 important things that she'll always do no matter what... Except if we're on our tour.

Writer: Okay, thank you for your time, Lisa. Well that's just a little tiny part of Luna's life. If you wanna know more about her, don't forget to read a second book about what's her life like behind the closed door. See you there!

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