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My name is kalista jade snape I am the daughter of Severus snape I attend beauxbatons well I use to untill now.I've been sitting in the headmasters office for the past hour waiting for my father as I've just been expelled for getting into to many fights.but it's not my fault I just don't get along with a lot of girls and being an all girls school dose not I sit quietly in my seat I hear a knock on the door the headmaster gets up from her chair and gets the door, it's my father and he dose not look happy.

"what seems to be the problem mrs Maxime" my father asks as he takes a seat next to me "I believe it would be beneficial if I expelled miss snape as her behaviour will not be tolerated any longer.she has been involved in a number of fights with other girls in her year has put 2 in the hospital wing and that's just this week."mrs maxime says as my father glares at me but I can help but let out a smirk and I little my father listens to the headmaster about my behaviour for the next hour we can finaly leave.
When we get home my father tells me to put my bags in my room and come back down stairs to the kitchen because we will have a guest arriving in about half an hour.

I quickly run up stairs and start to put my clothes away after about 20 minutes I go back down stairs "who's the guest father"I ask him as his sitting at the kitchen table drinking a coffee"I've ask professor dumbeldor to come around as this year you will be attending hogwarts for your third year" I give him a big ear to ear smile and hug him I've always wanted to go there but father though it would be better if I attended an all girls school,yeah well look how that turned out. "Oh my gosh I can't wait to see my friend I haven't seen them in years I miss them all so much oh my I hope I get in slytherin like them"I scream as I let go of my father not even 5 minutes later the door bell rang.

my father got put from his chair and walk to the door a couple of seconds later father and dumbledor come in he has an old hat in his hands "hello miss snape it's good to see you you've grown so much"I give him a small smile "I guess your woundering why I'm here"he ask I nodded slightly "well I thought it would be best if we did the sorting now rather than later so you don't have to be sorted with the first years" he says as he put the hat on my head "very smart yet very cunning your a very hardworker I think I know SLYTHERIN" I smile as I run up to my father and hug him as he smiles and kisses my forehead "I know you would be in slytherin sweetheart now go up stairs and get you things ready you leave tomorrow"I give him a quick nod and run upstairs.

Time skip to the next morning

I woke up feeling excited I run down stairs to eat breakfast as im finishing my father walks in "we leave in an hour go get ready" I nod and go but up stairs to get ready,I wear black straight jeans with rips on the knees a green singlet top a leather jacket and a pair of white nikes.

I walk back down stairs to meet my father I grab his arm and we appropriate to kings cross station.he tells me to run at the wall between platforms 9 and 10,as I run thought the wall I close my eyes and when I open them again I'm on the platform as I look around i aww I bump into someone "oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going"as I look up it's my best friend since birth the on and only Draco malfoy.

as I stand up he tackles me into a bone crashing hug spinning me around "what are you doing her kalista I mean I'm happy to see you but don't you attend that all girls school" he says happily "I'm going here now I got expelled from my last school"I say with a smile "EXPELLED WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT DID YOU DO " he yells "shhhh I'll explain later but now let's get on the train and find the others yeah" I say laughing at his reaction.

As we walk down the corridor of the train he tells me to wait out side I give a small nod as he opens the door "guys I have a little surprise for you someone has finaly decided to join us this year" he says as he signals me to go in "hey guys " KALISTA" they shout as they pull pull me in to a big group hug. As we sit down I sit next to the window with Draco on my side next to him is Theo,across from me is blaise Vincent and Gregory. "So what made you decide to come this year kale thought you went to an all girls school"  blaise ask "she got expelled" Draco says for me "WHAT" they all scream "I got expelled apparently my behaviour isn't lady like and I got into to many fights you know me I can't stand bitchieness and gossip there's only one person the I can stand like that, speaking of which where is pansy I should go see her" I say looking at the boys "we will take you I'm sure Marcus would love to see you to" theo says as he gets up with Draco signalling me to follow.

As a we walk down to corridor a boy with red hair bumps into me "watch where your going Wesley"Draco yells at him "she shouldn't have been in my way"he yells back "EXCUSE ME YOUR THE ONE WHO RAN INTO ME YOU NUTTER"I yell as I walk closer to him with Draco and Theo on either side of me."what's going on out here Ron"a boy with glasses and raven hair asked there'd haired "this girl was in my way as I was walking to our compartment and I bump into her" he say glaring at me " and who are you " the raven head boy ask " kalista kalista snape and you are " I ask "snape as in professor snape I didn't know he had I daughter I'm Harry Potter" he says shocked "not many people do only important people know now if you would excuse us we will be leaving"I say grabbing Draco and Theo's arms dragging them with me.

We decided to go back to our compartment that Wesley really pissed me off,as we are walking back I get lifted off the grand and turned around to find myself in front of Marcus. I gave him a big smile and hug he asked what I was doing here and the too boys explained,he laughed historically after we went back to our seats i didn't worry about finding pansy I'll see her in the great hall anyway.

Chapter one is done 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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