sidemen - sidemen go back to school part two.

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A/N: hi cuties, this week was hectic sorry for not updating! merry Christmas everyone also xx

"you only know rappers do you?" Phil walked to the board and pointed at the writing that said 'KSI' "have you heard of him?" Phil asked Jj. Jj replied acting clueless saying "what does that say?" "yeah exactly" Phil replied making me giggle. Jj looked over to me and said "w-why you laugh at me?" in a sad voice STILL in character. i started to feel bad and i wanted to hug him but my character today is a bad bitch. "ok the answer, who knows the answer?" Phil asked us. Harry had his hand up high. Phil looked behind him where the whiteboard is and saw Tobi had no score. Tobi started coughing and then Phil asked "Tobi. do you know the answer?" and Tobi explained to him that he was just coughing and Phil kept asking him "do you know the answer?" and Harry still had his hand up high. "i think harry knows the answer." Josh said. Phil then walked towards harry but before he got there Tobi put his hand up and Phil turned around so Tobi quickly put his hand back down. Phil asked Tobi "what the fuck do you want?" Tobi replied saying "attention" making us all laugh. Phil picked up Tobi's juice and was about to drink it until Tobi begged him not to. "no no no no please please i beg you please don't" "it smells so good though Tobi" Phil then walked over to Josh and put the bottle to Josh's nose and told him to smell the juice. and all the boys were telling him to cover his face cause Phil is gonna squeeze it in his face. Phil then walked up to me and told me to smell the juice. i was so worried he'd squeeze it in my face. i pretended to smell it so he could walk to Ethan already. he walked to Ethan and Ethan's hands went up and made shields. Phil then walked to Jj and before he could say "smell it" Jj took the bottle in his hands and drank it like never before. he was well in character while everyone was laughing at him. even Phil broke character. Jj finished the whole bottle out of breath. "oh you selfish prick leave some for the rest of us" Phil said while picking up the empty bottle. "i have not drank for so long." Jj said. "sorry about that mate" Phil said to Tobi putting the bottle back on Tobi's desk. "is it George Michael?" Tobi asked answering the question from before. "yes it is George Michael." Phil said while walking to the white board to give Tobi a point. "who got that wrong?" Phil asked and then he looked at Jj and said "oh yeah" and took away a point. "no please" Jj said while he put his hands together like he was about to say a prayer.

"right" Phil started to ask the next question but got interrupted by Harry throwing  a paper plane. the paper plane ended up doing a whole 360 and came back to him. when that happened EVERYONE broke character and started laughing and clapping for Harry's paper plane skills. anyway Phil started the question he pointed his finger at Josh but i got worried for a sec because i thought he pointed at me. "Josh, this question is for you. the sidemen yoga video has reached viewing numbers of, how many?" "7.9 million views?" Josh answered "who think it's higher or lower? Tunde y/n and Ethan higher or lower?" Ethan answered and said "i think it higher" and i nodded my head. Phil asked "how many" "8.6?" "who thinks it's higher or lower, Vik and Simon?" Simon and Vik took a risk and said "i think lower. 8.4" "higher or lower than 8.4" Phil asked while looking at Stephen and Harry. Stephen and Harry had a long whisper session until Harry answered "lower, 8.2" "8.2 million views for the yoga video, there we go that's the correct answer." while Stephen and Harry were celebrating Phil was removing all of our points for getting it wrong. "why are you removing our points" i asked. "because you got the answer wrong miss y/n" Phil said, i quickly replied and said "yeah and when you get answer wrong usually you just don't get a point. never knew we lost points" we waited for Phil to answer my question but he ended up just asking the next question. "what subject are majority of comments on that video about?" Ethan put his hand up to answer, but instead Tobi answered without getting asked to answer. "Phil" Tobi answered. "there  we go there's a point" Phil said while turning slightly to give Tobi a point on the whiteboard but he didn't yet because Ethan threw a fit. "BUT I PUT MY HAND UP!" Ethan yelled. everyone went silent and looked at him and back at Phil "I PUT MY HAND UP!" Ethan argued while banging his pencil on the table.
"if i say put your hand up then put your hand up" Phil replied. i looked back at Ethan and he was starring at the floor and you could tell he was pissed off. Phil walked closer to Ethan's face and started screaming at him "if i ask for the answer JUST TELL ME THE FUCKING ANSWER TO MY FUCKING QUESTION" Ethan looked at Phil and said quietly "ahhh" pretending to be scared. when Phil walked away from Ethan, Ethan looked at us and said "his breath stinks you lot." and we all started laughing under our breath.

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