☆23. Funeral ?☆

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Jin was thinking hard that what he should be doing in this type of situation ? his two best friends were going away from his sight actually for five years, Jin couldn't even imagine how he would feel in their absence. How can he leave his childhood best friends just like that ?

"Mom and Dad can I ask you something ?" Jin asked approaching to Hoseok and his wife hesitatingly.

"what's is it sweetie ? feel free to talk with us okay" Min young says cupping jins cheeks adoringly.

"will you allow me to go London for studies along with joonie and Jiminie ? please allow me I will really miss them and I don't won't to be away from them, those two crackheads are the only friends I have... please dad" Jin pleads trying his best to make them agree, showing his big huge puppy eyes acting as if he was on the verge of crying and it was just enough to melt both of his parents on spot.

"fine you can go with them ! but remember if you miss behave or get into some troubles in our absence... baby remember that you're dead" Hoseok says being serious which made Jin to gulp down on his saliva.

"aish dad ! why are you scaring me like that and there's no way I could do something wrong, trust me I will never do something to dissapont you, please trust me" Jin says and hoseok pulls him into a tight hug kissing on his son's forehead.

"I don't know what's wrong with your Jungkook Hyung or tae uncle, but your mom and me both of us are going to visit you every single month okay ? you know that we can't stay away from you" Hoseok asks to which Jin nods his head in excitement feeling happy that he can be with his best friends and also his parents were going to visit him every single month, now Seokjin was relaxed.

On the other hand Jimin and Namjoon were totally done with their packing, leaving their rooms with heavy hearts it was so sudden that they didn't even had the time to do something before leaving their childhood place for five years. This was really heartbreaking, it wasn't anyone's fault what was happening it was just the game played by fate with the mere excuse of misunderstandings.

Jimin was blank he wasn't thinking about anything he was just doing his work, ofcourse he heard the last sentence his Appa clearly mentioned that, he never blamed Jimin for her death. Jimin was still trying to process everything it was really too overwhelming for him to react in any way, at the time being Jimin doesn't want to think about anyone. He just need time to rethink, to realise what had happened, while Namjoon knew something like that was ready for him. He knew it very well that his step brother Taehyung was behind this so he didn't had any other option and just had to accept what he was told to do so, atleast he was thankful that he wasn't going to be alone, his Jimin and Seokjin were going to be there along with him so he was atleast thankful for that.

Meanwhile :

Jungkook was working on his laptop in his office chamber, but his mind wasn't at peace. How would it be when his baby literally said that he hates him, doesn't wants to see him infront of his eyes. Jungkook knew that he shouldn't take these words seriously. Jimin was just in anger and he was just a teenager with the pace of time Jimin would surely be calm. But the situation has got really worse and Jungkook had to take this step for Jimin's future and for their betterment it was good that if they stayed away from each other.

Jungkook heard a knock on the glass door that's when he saw his right hand Jackson entering the room "Chief I'm well aware of the fact that it's not my place to interfere in this matter..... but are you sure about this ?" Jackson asked Jungkook handing over him Jimin's addmision papers of new school and also gave boarding tickets of next flight to London.

"Jackson is eveything arranged perfectly ? I dont want any problems, you're responsible for their security... I hope you know that" Jungkook says instead of answering his question.

"chief please don't ignore my question like that, are you sure can you live without young master for five years ? as far as I've seen you both can't stay away from each other" Jackson says looking straight into Jungkooks eyes and demanded an honest answer from Jungkook.

"Jackson why are you like this ? fine okay... I will not change my decision of keeping Jimin away from me but once he calms down... or at least when Jimin is ready to face me, I will personally visit his school campus next month. So clear my schedule for the next month and get my private jet ready to visit London... you know we can't stay away from each other and I know even Jimin feels the same" Jungkook explains and Jackson smiles widely after hearing this. "Jackson don't let Jimin know about this for now, he won't be able to understand... I will just visit him without informing" Jungkook said picking up his coat from the chair and was grabbing his phone from the desk.

"sure chief I won't tell young master about this, and I'm glad you took this decision. Let me drop you now" Jackson said and drove back in Jungkooks black Audi.

The next morning eveything was ready all the three boys were at airport ready to departure, and very soon they were inside the plane the flight was ready to take off and the flight in which the trio was present, it had many stops in between at different airports. While Jackson had left one day earlier to make sure about all the arrangements regarding every single thing boys needed. A team of few guards were along with the boys in case of security since they were travelling alone, Jungkook had ordered them to look after the boys throughout their journey.

The next thing was really unexpected it was something which no body could even imagine, the breaking news was all over the social media. One hour ago the plane in which the boys were travelling was Hi jacked by a group of mafias it was done with extreme care and the plan was excuted professionally inspite of the tight airport security. The very next hour even the plane was crashed dangerously.

And everyone here in South Korea wasn't ready for the biggest shock of their life. How did things changed in this way ? it was crystal clear at the fact how the plane was crashed with the extreme force, there's wasn't even a single trace of anyone's survival and the crash was near the water bodies so clearly not even the chance of finding the dead bodies of passengers.

Everyone were stood frozen in their spots unable to process the situation gasping in horror that's when Min young broke down sobbing hysterically "no.... no my seokjinnie can't live us ! Hoseok tell me he is alive right ? I can't.... do this... I can't do my baby's funeral ! please tell me it's a dream" Min young went crazy and ended up getting unconscious by her crying and the extreme shocked they received.

End of Chapter

a/n : ummm.... well 👉👈 throw your slippers at me here.

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