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Author's Note: It's been a very long time since I've written anything so forgive me if this is a bit sloppy and all over the place! Also i know this may be considered "cringey" but let's do our best to refrain from saying stuff like "why am I here?" or anything similar, okay!


Patrick took in deep breaths, sweat dripping down his face, his eyes unfocused in frustration. Exhausted, he plopped himself on the grass in a criss cross position, letting his chin rest on his hand.

For several seconds he wasn't looking at anything in particular before his eyes focused on the sky itself. Oh how much he both loved and hated the night sky, so pretty and mysterious with each shimmering star, yet so cold and filled with chilling memories.

Resolve filled Patrick as his forlonging gaze turned to one of envy and fire. He was going to get this one, he felt it in his bones. His family might even be proud of him for once in his life, and more importantly, he would finally be able to give the most important and cherished person in his life, Spongebob, the most amazing gift someone could ever get. A star of their very own.

Patrick stood up from his position, gazing angrily at the sky one last time before looking down and taking a deep shaky breath. He closed his eyes and cupped his hands in a bowl shape right below where his heart would be.

Pure ice cold energy coursed through his veins and he felt the wind begin to stir just above his hands. Patrick shut his eyes even tighter, the energy coursing through him getting warmer by the second and the tiny little pocket of wind above his hands churning faster and faster. When he finally felt his heart burn as intense as the fires of the sun he snapped open his eyes.

The first step was complete.

There floating just above his cupped hands was a tiny little nebula. It swirled playfully with deepest purples and blues as though it were teasing him. Patrick wasted no time admiring the little star dust cloud as he's seen it so many times in lifetime and immediately began the next and final part. The part he always messed up.

Patrick swiftly undid his cupped hands and put them on opposite sides of the nebula, sandwiching it in-between. He then focused all his emotions and thoughts on the tiny nebula just like his family always tried to drill in his head. Don't think or feel about the past, or the future, just think of only what's happening right now.

He began pushing the nebula inward with both his hands immediately feeling it push back in protest. He pushed harder and harder, beginning to feel his hands burn and prickle like fire as a tiny little light formed in the center of the nebula. He thought of nothing but what he was doing at the moment as the little nebula seemed to protest more and more against becoming a star. The little light became brighter and bigger as his trembling hands compressed the stardust towards it.

Nothing but now. Nothing but the stardust in your hands. Patrick repeated in his head over and over, as he grunted in effort. Less and less the freely swirling nebula was there and even bigger and brighter did the soon to be star become. Eventually all the stardust was nearly gone and the light from the soon to be star burned so brightly and warm and no longer felt like sharp fire, and felt more akin to the coziness of sitting around a campfire.

Patrick smiled as joy rushed towards him despite the agony his hands and arms were currently in. He was doing it! He was really doing it! Oh how his family would finally accept him as he showed them his very first star! He would no longer be the weak link of the Star family! And he could finally give Spongebob his special part in the night sky!

Patrick suddenly heard a little puff as the near star began trembling in his hands before it began to disintegrate to black dust right before his eyes.

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