Chapter Five: Snap

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Once securely inside Sero's room, I removed the large coat I put on for my way between rooms to hide the grey dress I comfortably and femininely wore underneath. Sitting beside my friend who smiled encouragingly, I cosied into the bean bag letting out a sigh.

"You won't have to hide forever, Darika." Mina placed a hand on my shoulder from behind me on the bed.

"I know I know, but it's only the beginning." I replied, smiling warmly while placing my own hand on hers.

"Is this gay-" Kirishima intervened

"Wha-" I moved away from Mina, my cheeks unmistakably glowing red.

Sero grinned and snickered, "you've embarrassed them." He laughed.

"Guyyyys~" I whined, covering my red and pouted face slightly.

Bakugo grumbled from the corner for us to be quiet, to which Kirishima pulled him closer to the group and became louder. In anger, and possibly the effect of flusteredness, Bakugo uncontrollably set small explosions off which only increased the noise level. Moments later the door was burst open, revealing our loud himself class leader.

"Bakugo, no explosions in the dorms! And everyone quiet down it is getting late!" He ordered, arms repeating a chopping motions as he flickered his gaze between us. "And Kaminari- what are you wearing?" He asked calmer.

"N-nothi-" I started before being interrupted by the fiery blonde.

"What you got a problem?" He yelled towards the confused male. "Clothes have no gender so get out!"

"What- no I did not have a problem I just- Ah never mind I will be leaving. Just quieten down." He added before leaving swiftly.

"Sorry I had to say it like that, I didn't know if-"

"Thank you, Bakugo!" I leaped onto him, arms firmly gripping his body, interrupting his apology " you really saved me there." I smiled wide.

"Tch. Just be careful you're not seen next time" he grumbled "n-now get off me!"

I giggled and retracted myself from the embrace to see his own cheeks now the ones dusted in a rosy colour.

"Woah didn't know Bakugo could get flustered..."

"I'm not flustered!" He shouted, setting off explosions once again.

The group erupted in laughter once again.

I didn't know it could get this good.

I smile to myself, the laughter clouding in my head.

What did I do to deserve them?


"Kaminari... Kaminari-"

"Yes?" I blurted, knocking myself from daydreams.

"Pay attention in my class." Ordered Aizawa, sighing "no wonder you're falling behind."

"Sorry, Sir." I pout and get back to taking notes.

Not like he's wrong.

Trying my best to stay focused, I ignore the pair of eyes I sense drilling into the back of my head.

I know I shouldn't have worn those hair clips Mina gave me.

Someone's suspicious of me...

You met the wrong me (Transgender Denki Kaminari, Male To Female)Where stories live. Discover now