New school New friends

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Sabrina come now quick Daniel's first levitation, Zelda whisper shouted to get her niece to observe an important milestone in her teenage son's life. Sabrina and her aunts, Hilda and Zelda watched in amazement as there young warlock levitated a few feet a above his bed. Ok let wake him and tell him the news Hilda suggested. No Hilda he needs his sleep he has school tomorrow. The three then slowly and silently closed the door of the boy who's world would change forever. The next morning as Danny made his way down the stairs to the kitchen he was greeted by he's mother, Sabrina and his aunts Hilda and Zelda. Happy birthday! His mother and aunts cheered in unison. Thanks it's not every day a boy turns 16, Danny said thanking his mother and aunts. So we got you something is mother said, reaching into a bag and pulling out a giant old book. Oh great a giant old book just what I always wanted, Danny exclaimed sarcastically. It's a magic book you see there's something we need to tell you...his mother said before pausing. Your a witch. Nice joke guys haha, Danny said sarcastically. But I have school so... yeah. Bye Mom, Aunt Hilda, Aunt Zelda, bye Salem he said turning to the family's black cat. Soon after leaving home Danny arrived at is new school, Westbridge the school his mother once attended. Heading to his locker he is approached by a tall girl
Blond hair with pink highlights . Hey are you new, she said in an british accent. After collecting what he needed and closing his locker he turned to the girl. Yeah I'm Danny nice to meet ya. Danny said with a smile. Well nice to meet you Danny. I'm Farrah so Danny are you ready for your first day she asked inquisitively. As ready as I'll ever be Danny answered honestly. Well if you need any help let me know Farrah said with a smile. Well Farrah, before you go could you tell me where chemistry is, Danny asked politely. Sure thing down to the hall 3 doors down to the right Farrah said giving Danny the directions he needed. Thanks see you later Danny said with a smile. Upon arriving to class Danny found a seat next to a tall boy with jet black hair and a perfect tan. Soon after to Danny surprise his aunt Zelda walked into the classroom. Hello class my name is Ms. Spellmen and I'll be your chemistry teacher for this semester, she said before turning to Danny and giving him a subtle nod. Now everyone pick a lab partner, aunt Zelda said as everyone rose from their seats to pick there partner. Danny looked around to only to find the boy he noticed earlier approaching him. Hi I'm Matt wannabe partners, Matt said with a smirk on his face. Sure I'm Danny btw Danny said with a smile. I have a feeling this is the beginning of of a magical friendship.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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