2. Another part of the "normal" day

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" Heyy Eun"- my sister shouted from the door as she came in the coffee shop. She was a doll of the family, with a perfect face, beautiful black hair and long legs. And there was me, a family potato. I greeted her with a hug, and gave her the apron. "So, Eun, how was today?"- she asked while preparing the coffee machine. My cheeks immediately flushed red as I went back to the moment 2 hours ago.


"Um, excuse me, my number?"- I asked in shock.

"That's right, waiter girl. Now, give it to me or I'll ask for my money back"- he said with a rebelious smile on his face. I gotta admit, this guy knows how to play. He handed out his phone in my direction, looking pretty serious, actually.

I took his phone, typed my number in, and wrote: "Waiter girl". He reached out his hand, and I gave him the phone back. "See you around."- he said under his breath and headed to the door.

I just watched him go, with hands crossed, as a little smile appeared on my face. But I hid it as fast as I noticed.

Before closing the door, he looked back, smiled, and said: " You know, you look shy, but I wanna see the other side of you, waiter girl."- and he was gone. I wonder if he will come back tommorow


"It was nothing special, really. Miss Kim owes us 3 dollars, she forgot today. She said she will come back this afternoon."- I said, packing my stuff. "See you, Mi."- I said, placing a kiss on her cheek. I walked trough the back door, ready to go home.


Streets were crowded, as usual. Street singers, dancers and actors were blocking my way. I really needed to hurry home. The wind was blowing like crazy, and it was so cold. But, only he was in my mind. I didn't even know his name, but his presence was clear in my mind. I never saw him, but I had a feeling that we met before. Calm down, Eunee. He probably just teased you, or maybe it was just a dare he was playing with someone. After 10 minutes, I came to my small house. It was in a small and crowded neighborhood. I almost crashed the door from the hurry. I need to make dinner, and well, do some other things. My dog, Cloud, greeted me with a small bark. First, I needed to feed him. He was quite old, my best friend since I was little. After that, I started making dinner. Chopping onions, tomatoes, frying chicken breasts and making mashed potatoes. I was not the best at cooking, but someone had to do it, because I don't want my sister to poison me with a tablespoon of peper in the soup. Okay, so this is cooking, now I can to the laundry. I grabbed the laundry basket, and started sorting clothes. I had a pretty busy life going on, every day, sleep and repeat. But you haven't seen everything yet.

Dinner was cooked, and I had to admit, it was not that bad. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. "Unknown number"- it said. There was a message." I have to admit, I never had a better macchiato in my life. Way to go, waiter girl."- I giggled at the message. Wait, what the fuck? I never giggled at boys. Geez, it must be the weather these days.

"Hey Eun, I'm home! Yoongi is with me tonight."- she shouted. Yoongi is her boyfriend. And my older brother, basically. He is like the third member of the family, always celebrating birthdays and holidays with us. Mi and Yoongi make quite a match. "Yooooooonnngiiii!!!"- I shouted playfully and ran to his arms. " Hi dumpling."- he said, laughing. "What smells so good?"- he asked. "Well, your best sister-in-law made you dinner."- he hugged me again. "I'm glad you got over your mom's death, I love to see you happy. Now, excuse me, Mi needs me."- he said, and went to Mi's room. A little tear rolled down my eye. Yoongi is truly a sweetheart. When our mom passed away, he was there for us, 24/7. Even if he seemed kinda gagnsta and cool, he can be the best shoulder for crying.

"Hey guys, the food is inside the oven, you can warm it up if you want. I'll be in my room."- I shouted and shut the door behind me. I took a deep breath. Here we go again.


"Eun, calculate the bills again. This can't be happening."- Mi said nervously. We didn't have enough money. But, what did we know about bills? We were 16. "Girls, why don't you re-open that coffee shop your mom had?"- Yoongi said, trying to fix the atmosphere in the room. Mi was walking around the room, breathing heavily. "But, that wouldn't be enough money for everything we need, babe. There are bills, clothes, food, and plenty other stuff."- she said.

"But, what if I know another way of making money? Guys, listen carefully."- I said, and we gathered up.


*play BTS- Silver Spoon

The smell of coconut bodyspray was floating in my tiny room. I was curling my hair, and doing makeup at the same time. Mascara, cat eye, and a red lipstick- classic, but it transformed me completely. It wasn't Eunee no more, it was Gyeong. My makeup was done, I just need to dress now. I opened the closet. There were like 2 different worlds in there: on the left, there were simple clothing pieces in grey and earth tones, and on the right were fierce pieces: tight dresses, black leggings and crop tops, along with few pairs of high heels. Tonight, I went for something simple. I always ask myself: " What would a Gyeong wear?". I dressed in a pair of Adidas leggings and a white crop top with transparent sleeves. And last up, black heels. I took my bag, said goodbye to the lovebirds in the next room, and locked the door. Let the fun begin.

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