Back At It Again!

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So because preciously_ruby nominated me, I decided to do this again! So Thanks for nominating me again hon! Alright, now let's get into these twenty more facts

1. I'm an Aires

2. I want my bedroom to be covered in posters so when I'm like twenty five, I can come back into my bedroom and relive my teenage-hood.

3. I hate to feel left out. It makes me feel so isolated and sad.

4. I LIVE FOR SUNFLOWER SEEDS! Original & Dill Pickle are my favorite

5. I had a slight blow to my confidence recently

6. I believe that if you can't find a song to describe your feelings, you should write one

7. I like imaging what my future kids will be like

8. I adore the name Kaiden

9. My Second Favorite color is red

10. Forrest Gump made me cry the first time I watched it

11. I love getting comments from my readers than I do votes. Reading their reaction to what I write always makes me smile and want to write more

12. I have a mole on my left eye

13. I want to be a journalist

14. I'm afraid of spiders and the dark

15. I have three Teddy Bears on my bed

16. I get jealous over someone who was never mine in the first place... two people actually

17. I believe that if I actually talked to Michael, I'd make headway. Then after that, he'd fall in love with me and we'd get married

18. When I found out Tom Sneddon died, I almost laughed. ALMOST

19. I'm 5'3

20. My butt's pretty big and it's one of my favorite body parts.

Aaaannd that was twenty more facts about me! Now I nominate _flawlessunicorn




20 Facts about Your KayJayWhere stories live. Discover now