Chapter 1

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I was at Patricia Woodston's funeral. Otherwise known as my mother, if you could even call her that. Maybe when I was 5 or so, she was my mother, but not so much recently, but I'm not sure if it was her fault or her fans' fault, but regardless, it had been a long time since she acted like a real mother to me. But, then again, acting was all she had done for the past few years. When I was around 8, she decided to try acting for a little, to make some more money, and when she did, she instantly became a hit. Then, slowly, she started to put her career before her family, and eventually, she divorced my father, and left us in the dust. It was like she divorced us, her family. The only ties she ever had to us was sending some money once a month to us, and some presents on holidays and birthdays(the presents was usually more money). I hadn't seen her in years until now. In fact, I'm surprised that I was even invited to her funeral, seeing as how she shut me out of her life. But I was her daughter, so I suppose whoever planned the funeral felt obligated to invite me. And where am I now, 9 years after she left my life? Well, after a few years of me and Papa trying to make ends meet, he met a woman, who became my stepmother, Katherine Coutrly. After she came, life got much better. Papa was more happy and energetic, we were able to get a more stable family, and I was so happy to find another motherly figure who actually cared about me. We were very happy and still are. But that doesn't mean I miss my first mother, Patricia. I was always hoping,just maybe one day, she would come around and love me for one more time. But that's no longer possible. I doubt she even loved me any more when she died. A tear drop found it's way down my cheek when I had this last thought. I decided to tune in to whoever was giving a speech at the moment.

"...She was a remarkable woman, known and loved by the entire world. She has inspired countless people, and will continue to inspire til the end of time. And as she watches from above, we all say thank you for all you given to us and may you have a peaceful afterlife." says the woman.

"Amen," replies the crowd.

"Now, will everyone please head to the drawing room so that you may find out who is in the will," she said, before everyone went in the direction of the building. I was thinking about just skipping this and heading home, but hey, why not watch random strangers get you dead mother's money?

So I started to walk towards the building When I got there, I realized this wasn't happening for a few more minutes, so I just stood there awkwardly, eating finger sandwichs. I did this until I heard, "Emma, darling, it's been so long,"

I turn around to find my mother's former agent, Veronica."Yeah, like almost a decade! Can you believe it?" I say.

"I almost don't! You've grown so much in last few years, dear!" She exclaims.
"It's a shame Patricia couldn't see you now," she says, softly.

"Oh, you never know," I reply, touched. "being in heaven and all," I bluffed. Even if she was up there, she has better things to look at than the daughter she abandoned.

"So how are you and your family doing?" Veronica asks.

"Oh, fine," I reply. "Papa's on a ship, to trade some goods in another kingdom."

"Oh, so that's why he's not here," says Veronica.

"He was invited?" I say surprised.

"Yes, I know she cared very much about him, even after the divorce." she replies.

"It was the fame that tore them apart, wasn't it?" I ask.

"Partially," she answers. "but they weren't in love anymore. But they still were important to each other, as was you."

"Then why did she leave us? Just forget that we even existed?" I asked

"Will everyone please settle down, we are about to reveal who's in the will," said the same person who was doing the speech.

Then the room got substantially quieter, everybody whispering, hoping to get something.

"And the Oaksley property goes to Reagan Wertons!"

"Woohoo!"says a person who I assume is Reagan Wertons. "I'm gonna have me a new house!"

After that, I kinda tuned out, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked and found that Veronica was the person tapping me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Honey, didn't you hear?" She says.

"No," I reply.

"You got the Thornsley house." she says.

"Are you pulling my leg?!", I ask on disbelief, staring at her.

"No," she replied.

"So you're not joking?!" I asked

"Of course not!" she says. "and one more thing"


"Everybody's watching you and heard everything you just said," she calmly says.

"Oh, cra- I mean, oh, no," I said, conscious of the people listening. "So what do I do now?" I asked.

"Go to the woman over there and get the deed for the house," she said.

I quickly scrambled to the front and faced the woman giving away the houses.

"Ah, you finally decided to come get your house," she said.

"Uh, yeah," I said, not sure how to reply.

"I'm Cindy Fraulier and I will help you with the paperwork for the house." she says.

"Hi, I'm Emma, Patricia's daughter," I replied, shaking hands with the woman.

"Nice to meet you!" She says, with a forced smile."Now, I'm booked for most of the week, but I do have an opening on sunday. So how would like to check out the house at...3:46, saturday afternoon?" She asked looking at the big binder with all her appointments.

"Okay, I guess," shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, then, I'll have all the paperwork done by then, so you won't have to worry about a thing!" She says.

"Thanks. So, what exactly is the address the house?" I asked

"6221 Thornsley Parkway," she replies."Now, could you please move? I have to announce who's getting the other properties. You've made enough of a disruption as it is."

That was pretty rude, but I managed to only say, "Yeah...,"Then I walked off, got out of that building, and went for my bike. I had to weave through all the carriages that the other people took to get there. When I found my bike, I looked at it for a second. it was a faded blue, with bumps and scratches all over it. But I still used it to get where I wanted to go. After that, I got on it and rode away. It was pretty smooth at first, since I was on one of the nicer roads, the one where all the higher class people live on. Then as I got closer to my house, the roads got more rough, since my home was in one of poorer neighborhoods.

I finally reach my house, after 20 minutes of pedaling, I needed a drink of water.

I enter the shop, hearing the ding of the bell on the door. I look around, and the only person I see is Kat, my stepmom.

"Hi, Emma," she says as she sees me." How was the funeral?"

"Shocking," I reply.

"Shocking?" She says, confused."what exactly happened?"

"Well," I start."I became a homeowner"

"A homeowner?" She asks."So that means-"

"I was in the will, and she gave me something," I finished.

"That's surprising, considering it's been years since she saw you," she says, mumbling the last part.

"So," she starts, "What are you going to do about this...inheritance?"

"Well," I say, "On Sunday, I'm gonna check out the house, with a realtor of sorts, you know, see what it looks like, figure out what I'm gonna do with it, that sorta thing."

"That outta be interesting," she says.

"You can only hope." I said.

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