Chapter 3

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Ugh. What is that pounding in my head?, I thought. Where am I?

I opened my eyes and found myself staring at a ceiling. But not the low spongy ceiling I was under before. In fact, this was the cleanest ceiling I'd ever seen in my life.

I looked around myself, and found out that I was in a bedroom, on a canopy bed. I also found that there was a large vanity, and to the left of the vanity was a door. Curious, I got out of the bed, and headed toward the door. As I turned the doorknob, I noticed that my hand looked different. It was slender, with perfectly manicured nails.

That's weird, I thought. I certainly hadn't found the time to do my nails, so why were they like that?

When I got past the door, I found myself in a bathroom. But this was no ordinary bathroom. It was the size of a master bedroom, with a hot tub, and mini spa.

Then I turned to a mirror. It was ornately carved, from a brass of sorts. Then I looked at my reflection and let out a bloodcurdling scream.

I mean, who wouldn't scream if they saw their dead mother's reflection in the mirror?

I touched my face, and saw the reflection touch her face. So it really is me. I took a locket of my hair, and stared at it. Honey blonde, I thought. Just like Patricia's.

There was only one way to find out if this is real, or if I've gone mental.

I got dressed, then headed downstairs. I found some sunglasses and a hat to hide my appearance, so no one would recognize me. Patricia was a very big star, and almost everyone on the globe knew who she was, so I'm pretty sure people would think that it would be weird to see a dead celebrity on the streets, so I had to be very cautious. I decided not to eat, but head straight to my destination.

I went to her garage to look for a bike to ride, but all I found were cars. I never got my drivers license, I didn't need one since I didn't have a car, and the last time I got behind the wheel, I ended up having to pay a lot for damages to the car, a street lamp, and a Siamese cat's tooth replacement. Yeah, so I don't have the best of luck with cars.

But it was my only resort, so I got in the driver's seat, and revved the engine. At first, I went grandma style, and went as slow as possible. It was working, until I went in town and I was sharing the road with other cars. I got multiple honks, but what pushed me over the edge was when I heard,

"Hey, you, in the red convertible!" some stranger said."Would you get your lazy ass moving already! Some of us are important and have places to be! Unlike you, we're not obese and having useless lives that don't matter!"

I was infuriated by this. One, you can't treat people like this! Much less strangers! And two, Patricia is supermodel skinny, it is medically impossible to be obese with her metabolism.

"Shut your pie hole!" I say, irked."Just because you don't have anything good to do, doesn't mean you have to show your anger by bashing other people! Just go to anger management instead!"

"You little bitch! It's not my fault you drive slower than my grandmother! And she's dead! I'm pretty sure sure you're not dead. Or is your soul dead because you're so frickin' lazy?"

You have no idea, I thought

"Now will you hurry up already?" I hear.

"You want to see fast," I say, darkly."You'll get fast."

I could hear my subconscious, this is how you broke the Siamese cats' teeth.

But I chose to ignore it, and let my anger take control. Code for: I made a mistake. A big one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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