5th birthday

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(hello my kittens! X3 hugs thank you all for once again reading g one of my stories, I am more then happy that you're all here reading it, how ever to does how are first time readers of my story, I strongly suggest that you first read my Slenderman hatred and love story so you may understand what is going on in this one, for in some parts it may get a bit confusing at some point, rather that I hope you all enjoy it, and do t forget to vote and leave comment, hugs!))

It's been 5 years since Slender and Nadia meet each other and about 2 years since they got marry. Nadia had now moved into the pasta mansion as for most of the pasta they also had found someone and had moved with them while the other had moved out to their own house. mostly the only one still left in the house was Toby, Masky, Eyesless Jack(EJ), Doctor smiles, Ben, Sally, and some that like to come and go from time to time.

It was mid-spring and it was Rikku's birthday and everyone decide that a nice party would be best for her since she was still small, but of course, Splender was planning and Aerith was planing and fixing everything for the party.

Okay, so we got all the streamers and balloons up, the tables are set, and- OH! And I got the piñatas all set too. I know you said that twenty would be too many mother, but I just couldn't give her more than one." he said joyfully. Aerith just smiled as he rubbed her stomach. "Yes I guess your right Splendy, but there is a thing as too much fun and we don't want the kids or Rikku to get sick from all the sweets ok?"

"Yes, I guess your right, mother... Maybe we could change the soda for some natural juice that way it not too much sugar?" she nodded as he goes happy to make the changes that are needed.

"I need a rest," Aerith sighed as she took a second to rest on one of the chairs. Offender walked in, carrying some more tablet cloths and chairs." "Shouldn't you be inside resting? I'm sure Splendor can handle the party just fine on his own," Offender tried to assure her he placed the stuff where they belong.

"I know he can it's just that he sometimes overdo it and we just want a simple party for this time" she sight as Offender just nodded understanding. "Yes, that he can be, how about this, you go back inside and rest and I'll make sure he doesn't go overboard? we cant have our Mother-in-law overdoing it while still having another sister-in-law in the oven" she smiled and nodded.

"Sister-in-law or future wife Offender? I see how you look and Slendy and Trendy when they are with the girls, you don't have to worry, you'll find someone soon doesn't worry, ok?" he smiled and helps her up. "Yes, I guess you're right... again, mother," he smiled as he then helped her get back to the house.

Meanwhile, with Rikku and Trender...

"Rikku sweety you have to get ready you're party is going to start soon, someone pleases?" Slender tells her as he tries to get her ready for a bath. Giggles were heard from the little girl and behind him as he sees both (y/n)and Trender standing in the doorway. " (y/n) I feel sorry for you. I can't imagine how he will do with your own kids" she blushed and walks into the room and grabs her little sister as she giggles and was bitting on Slender tendril. " I just don't get why she doesn't like me. Sally loves it when I take her baths, she even fights then someone else does it," he replies feeling a little sad, as he thought he may not be as good of a father as Sally tell him he is.

(Y/n) gave Rikku to Trender and take Slender to another room. " Okay now, my little start are you ready for you're party? " I asked her while getting the bath ready and Rikku was just jumping around the bathroom. "Yay, party, party, party!" She exclaimed happily, clapping her hands at the sight when the tub was filling with water, her excited shrills echoing through the bathroom. Bath, bath, bath!" I let out a burst of small laughter, then picked her up, " now, now my little star, let's wait for the splash once we are inside the bathtub, ok?" she nodded and goes into the tub and was splashing the water to the point that it looked more like I was the one getting bathed and not her.

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