new day

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It's was the next morning when the brothers had finally finished cleaning the palace. " who would have thought there were going to be so many presents for one baby?" offender asked as he enters the kitchen and got something to drink as so did splendor and trender.  

"I know right? There was so much stuff that I doubt mother will need the baby clothes I made for Myra at this point" trendy said a bit disappointed. "well, if they can't be used now just save them for later on maybe for you and Star or Sister and slender" this made trendy blushed and look away. "well, I don't know I mean, look how mother and Nadia, I mean 3 years and sister well.. you know"   

"yes, that is true. Us Enderman does take a year and a half to be born so I guess it's kind of normal" offender said as he took a seat and drank water.  " I guess only time will tell"  there was silence when father enters the room and we all stood up. "is mother and Myra ok?" Splendor was the first one to ask as he rushed to father as he just sighs. " yes, they are ok, mother just woke up and was a little hungry so I decide to make her something. Why are you boys up so early it's barely 6 am?"  we all looked at the time, " oh my it's true, we must have been all night cleaning and fixing the place that we didn't notice the time going by." I thought-out loud, when father just laughs.   

"Why don't you boys go take a nap? If anything, happens I'll send someone to wake you up,ok? Besides I think we will be needing the help, mother already said she doesn't want a nonfamily member next to her or the baby for now."  Offender up and nodded. " I'll take up that offer, good night or good morning," he says as he left while Splendor yarns "father when will I be able to hold Myra?" Father looks at him confused as to why he called him father then it hit him. " how about you take a nap and I'll ask mother about it ok?" Splendor nodded a bit sad but did as told and leaves the room.  

I stood there with father for a second before father asked "so where is Rikku?", "She's with Sister and Slender, they thought it would be a good idea for them to have a sleepover, well they were almost asleep when Slender took them home."   Father nodded as  he just goes and started cooking. " do you need help father?" I asked as I stood next to him and he just said no.   

" I'm fine son,  I'm tired but not dead yet" he laughed. " go take a nap you know Rikku isn't going stay calm once she's back home", " your right if you need any help just let me know father, " I said before I left the room and teleported to my room and lay down on the bed.   

It was about 10 am I was awake by a knock on my door as I then got up and opened the door to see Splendor. "mother say's we can go see her and Myra!!!" he says happily as I was just trying to wake up. " ok ok Splendor, just let me fresh up and go get Star and sister ok?" he asked as splendor nodded and run away.  

About 30 minutes later I appear in front of my brother's mansion. "Knock knock  Brother I'm here to pick up guys up" I said as I waited for someone to open the door, but nothing could be heard. " Brother??" I then opened the door and started to look around the house for them, I then find sister hiding behind the sofa. "Sister? Why are you.." she then pulled me down and tries to hide me behind the sofa. "shhhhh she's trying to find us". " she?" I asked as I looked at her as I then heard my Star , " I heard you!" she jumps out of nowhere as we both jolts and heard giggles as she jumps on us , " caught you! Now it brother Slender turned to find us," she smiled as she looks at us. " Find us? " I asked while the girls giggles. " find us? Oh you were playing hide and seek?" the girls nodded and then my brother appears. " yes, I can see. Oh hello brother,  sorry did the girls scared you? Rikku's woke up early and wanted to play so love and her decision to play a quick game but I guess it got a bit out of hands," he said sheepishly.  

" oh its alright" I smiled as I got up and slender-held sister stand up. " So Trender what bring you here? is mother alright?" , " huh oh yes, Splendor said we can go see them now," I said as I picked up my Star.   

"yay!!!  Let's go see mommy and baby sister!!! I'm a big sister now Trendy! Just like big sister Nady" my Star said in glee while I fixed her hair a bit. " yes I know Star so let's go see them ok?" she nodded when I handle her sister said " oh wait  we have to get Myra a present  that we made.", "oh, and what is it?"  I asked as she runs upstairs then come back down with a black cat plushie with wings. " lookie Trender Lookie!  We made this it" she said with pride as I looked at them. " she draw the pictures and I sew it, together, she wanted Slender to make them a real batcat," Nadia smiled as Slender got closer to Trender, " She even went to DR.Smile and Plange Doctor to see if they could make one but luckily  love convince her to make a plushie and not get a living one." 

"that would be to much of a horror movie... where did she get that idea?" I asked as brother jolts and  looks to the girls, "umm we might have seen the movie Frankenstein last night." He said ashamed. " Seriously Slender? Why would you watch that kind of movie with a child?"  

"it's was the cartoon version don't worry Trender it was my idea," the sister said as she picks up my Star which she had just finished placing a coat and boot one cus it was starting to me cold. " I guess that's ok.."  

"ok ready to go meet our new baby sister?" Nadia asked. " YES!!!" Star scream and she lifted her arms up for Nady to pick her up, which she did and started to walk to us. " ok we are all ready to go, so let's not keep them waiting." She looks at us and smiles. We then started to walk to the palace midway they meet up with Splendor. 

"There you are, Father said mother has been waiting for us" he runs to them and hugs the girls, and picks them up.  " oh what is that ?" he looks at the plushie.  

"It's a catbat, it's for Myra" Rikku smiled as she held it up for him to see. " oh  that very interesting" he smiled, "so where did you get it from?", he asked her,  " big sis and I made it." She smiled as she looks at Nady.  

"wow, I bet she is going to love it. Let's go" we then noded as we walk to mother's room.  

Splendor is the first one to open the door. "WE ARE HERE!!" He smiled as he walks up to the bed and the girls do the same. Father gets up from the chair for sister to sit and he places Rikku on the bed next to mother who was holding Myra.  

"hello, baby sister Myra!   Look mommy we made Myra a catbat plushie." She then goes and shows it to Myra.  "look Myra I and big sister's  made  this for you" my Star smiled and she held it up then give it to mother. " mommy s I'm a big sister now"   

 Mother smiled as she gave her a hug. "yes I know, does that make you happy? This means you have to take care of her and look over her like how your big sister Nady and big brothers do for you, can you do that?" 

My Star smiled and started to jump, " yes  I can do that!!  I can help! Trendy can help me help too! Right Trendy?"  Everyone then looks at me and I was starting to get nervous, " yes Star we will, I promise we will, Mother and Father."   She then looks at mother than at sister, " does this mean our sleepovers are going to be bigger now? Can I share my room at big sis house with Myra?"   

Sister looks at Slender as if they were talking telepathically and then nodded. " yes, it's more then ok Rikku, how about you help me fix the room for the both of you? If that's ok with mom?" 

Mother nodded and smiled, " yes that be more than fine but it will have to be in a few months ok? Cus she is still too small, ok?" Star smiled and nodded and hugs mother carefully and she then stares and Myra and holds her hand. 

 I just stare at them happily and I began to imagine how our future maybe, if we ever get to have a family like this.  From the corner of my eye, I could see slender holding on to his wife, as they smiled but I could see the sadness in their eyes at the same time. 

"honey can you get the girls and me something to eat please?" mother asked as father nodded . " ok boys help me bring some food for the lady's." , " all of us?" asked offender,{I think mother wants to spend some time with the girls alone} I told my brother as we all nodded. " ok father, will be right back love" Slender tell sister and he kissed her head as she blushed and nodded, " Can I have my peanut butter yogurt with almonds please?" she asked, " of course love anything else?" he asked. " umm cranberry juice please?" he smiled as kissed her head again and started to walk. " what about you little one?" he asked my star. " HOTDOG WITH CHEESE AND CHOCOLATE MILK!"  she sc, "Rikku," mother said firmly as she then calms down,  " I'm sorry, a hotdog with cheese and chocolate milk please"  she was ashamed and was blushing.  He then pats her head and nodded. " ok lil one we will be back soon." He said as we all left the room.  
And left the girl to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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