ੈ✩‧₊˚chapter 1: Back on Platform ❾¾

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Simon Strongsmith a black haired third year Slytherin boy with very bright blue eyes, so bright they almost looked white, stand there looking down at his grey haired mother.
His mother was a very elegant yet dark witch named Serpina Strongsmith.
"Alright Simon look after your brothers this year, will you?" Asked Serpina as her sweet scared amber eyes look up at her son who was quit a lot taller then her now.
"Yes mother. ." Said Simon in a embarrassed whisper, he was sent off with his two younger identical twin brothers, Sophian and Sullivan, or as Simon called them "Soph and Sully" at least that's what he use to call them.
After Sophian was sorted into Gryffindor the only reason he was even counted as a Strongsmith anymore was because of Simons mother.
However they made there way onto the scarlet red train. Simon went off with his Slytherin quidditch team friends.
Sophian went with a few of the Weasley siblings.
And Sullivan went with Draco Malfoy and a few of his followers.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

Sullivan made a noise of disbelief as he fell back onto his seat.
"Sullivan are you alright you look a little-"
"I'm fine Pansy just. . disappointed in my brother."
Said Sullivan as he ruffled his golden blond hair
"You should be disappointed in your father for not disowning that filthy blood traitor." Said Draco Malfoy who had also entered the compartment now and took a seat.
"Don't speak to soon Malfoy, fathers already working on it" said Sullivan with a nasty fake smile at Draco.
Draco and Sullivan had been friends since they arrived at Hogwarts however there was always jealousy between them.
"Father has no idea what kind of people Sophian is around, just wait until he hears, he'll be furious" Said Sullivan as his eyes meant the compartment window.
"He hangs around that Granger girl doesn't he?" Asked Pansy,
"He's around Potter so I assume so?" Said Sullivan who was now uninterested in this topic,
And so the boredom began, though he wasn't sure if it was because of Crabbes boring rant about his comic book,
or Pansy asking Draco Every question under the sun, in fact he was so bored he wouldn't be shocked if he began to doze off at any moment, however the boredom was broken when the trolley witch arrived

"Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked sweetly
Everybody jumped up and began to order from the trolley.
Sullivan however stopped when he saw someone,
This person was different
She was very beautiful but her beauty was natural. The girl looked at Sullivan with a confused shock, her cheeks turned rose she couldn't help but continue to look at Him, she thought maybe that would be awkward, so her eyes however meant the trolley lady instead "can I have two fizzing wizzbees please?" Her voice was just as pretty as her face, but it sounded almost to familiar for Sullivan's liking, Sullivan felt himself starting to feel a bit creepy as he had been staring at the girl for a moment or two, he flicked his brown eyes instead at his shoes.
"Anything for you dear?" Asked the trolley witch.
"Um yes- can I have a chocolate frog please?" Sullivan gave her her wizarding coins and couldn't help but get one last look at the very beautiful brown haired girl and that's when it clicked, the girl Sullivan was just staring at was
Hermione Granger, but how? How was it that she was so pretty? How was it that Sullivan thought she was pretty?

No it can't be, I mean I can think someone's attractive without having a crush on them right?
Maybe I just like that type of look in a person? I don't like her. . I can't like her.
It was true he couldn't, if his father had ever heard about it who knows what would happen.
Sullivan was meant to like someone who had "pure" blood, and no matter what Sullivan has said before,
Blood status didn't seem so important right now.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

"Where's Harry and Ron?" Asked Sophian threw a mouth full of sweets,
"No idea? Did either of you see them on the platform?" Asked Hermione eagerly
"Stop worrying Hermione I'm sure there fine!" Said Ginny
"Or maybe there not! Maybe they got lost and hurt and will be gone forever!" Mocked George.
"Shut up" said Hermione as she pushed her very frizzy brown hair over her shoulder
"I'm sure there fine Granger, there probably just in another compartment or something" Sophian assured her as he took another bite of his pumpkin pasties.
"I don't know I think George's theory is a lot better." Fred mocked in the same humorous way,
"Well me and Fred better be off" said George as he got up from his seat Fred at his side,
"We have better things to do then to sit around with you worried lot"
And then they left threw the compartment door,
Hermione was now chewing her fingernails a very concerned look plastered on her face,
"We better change into our robes" said Sophian standing up from his seat his pumpkin pasties falling of his lap onto the seat, he grabbed his trunk and pulled out his All black robes and pointed hat.
They pulled there robes over there clothes and got back to there seats.
Soon enough the train came to a stop and there it was, the beautiful Hogwarts castle.
They grabbed there trunks and headed off the train entering the crowd with the other students.
"Firs years! Come on you lot!" Said Hagrid as he waved his lantern above the crowd,
"Go on Ginny, good luck" said Sophian with a small pat on Ginnys shoulder she set off,  Sophian and Hermione headed for the driver-less carriages, they took there seats alongside Neville Longbottom and a few other second year students,
Sophia look up in the sky not far away he sweared he saw a blue car flying in the clouds, must have just been his imagination, But what was even more strange was that Harry and Ron were still no where to be found.

ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

┊͙ ୭̥⋆*。Authors note:

Hi! Ok so I am in no ways a professional writer,
But I do hope you enjoy this starter to the brothers
story, And I hope you enjoy my original characters.
But just a warning that this story might be a little sad?
Anyways I'm updating as much as I can!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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