Kustard *Human*

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TW:Blood, Violence, mention of slight nudity (Shirtless)

Red's POV:
I smiled as I took my spear out of the deer, which was now dead. The blood on the tip of the spear and on its body. 'This is at least a weeks worth of meat!' I thought as I dragged it behind me. When I got back to my shelter I put it down on a fallen tree I used as a table thing. I walked back outside to grab my knife only to see a figure standing at the edge of my camp. The I tied my brown hair back, getting ready for a fight as I walked up to it. When a twig snapped under one of my feet the figure turned around, only to fall back in surprise upon seeing me. "R-Red? Is that you?!" He stuttered before getting back on his feet. I dropped my knife as I stared at him in shock as tears ran down my cheeks. He ran up to me and hugged me tightly, burying his face into my chest. "Classic?" I said as I broke down into tears, happy ones. He hugged me tighter as I hugged back. "I-I haven't seen you in years!" He said as he started crying. We both fell down and slowly calmed down. When we had stopped crying he followed me to my shelter, when we got there he helped me cut the deer and cook some of it. When we finished eating I showed him where I slept and we went to sleep, in each other's embrace.

The end

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