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you are at once both the quiet and the confusion of my heart. imagine my heartbeat when you are in this state.

letters to felice, franz kafka

Jihoon has enough on his plate; school is one thing, but balancing class with his responsibilities as stage manager to a highschool reenactment of Grease is something else. Their director is a mess, the band kids are better at flirting with the cast than they are at playing their instruments, and the pressure of putting on a good show – knowing that this may be the last one they ever get to do – is heavy.

Oh, and one other thing: having a colossal crush on his best friend isn't making things any easier.

playlist : lemony cheesecake, on spotify // user: conphused

hello everyone, and happy holidays !!! i actually started writing this bad boy in june, but i wanted to wait for a period in my life wherein i'd be able to post semi-regular updates before putting up the first chapter ... my personal life is still pretty busy, and i can't guarantee that i'll be able to update every week / every other week, but i thought this would be a nice little christmas gift :') (and, at the very least, it'll give me incentive to keep up with my writing).

i'm actually excited for this one, i think it'll be really cute hehe. i hope you all like it too !!!

sending lots of hugs & love for the holidays –!!! mwah <3

started : december, 2020

finished : 

other : ao3 - kwanies

Love Me Stage Left; SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now