Only and Agent - short story

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Only an agent

 “You know what you must do,” said a man wrapped in the large shadows of the ally, tossing a pistol at Rob.

“Don’t keep it loaded,” he said as Rob caught it in his hand. Then he started for the street.

 “I don’t know why I work for him,” Rob muttered as he headed for the road and waved down a taxi. A taxi pulled up in front of him.

“Central High School please.”

The driver took the money and drove off.

* * *

Rob slowly walked across a vast courtyard, looking up at the sky above. His pack and clothing showing he was ready to blend into whatever possible circumstances.

He had found out where his classroom would be and had moved up the stairs. He found the door nearly as quickly as a cat over a fence. He walked in and saw a male teacher standing at his desk. The teacher looked up from his work. He walked forward without a word then stooped to Rob’s level.

“Ah, Rob Young, welcome,” he said looking through small worn glasses, “sit down.”

Rob sat on the chair facing the teacher’s desk and placed his bag on the carpet.

“I am Mr. Liong, I will be your teacher for the most part of your stay hear,” he said.

He pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to Rob. It was a time table for the first semester.

“I like Media studies,” Rob said eying the first column

“Well, I guess I’ll see you in first period,” he said walking out the door and into the corridor beyond.

Lockers and doors lined the walls and people walked in every direction. Then a huge boy began walking slowly towards Rob his hands clenched.

“Hey, new boy,” he said the girls and boys parting to let him through.

The large boy approached him with a sinister look on his face.

“New boys always suffer,” he whispered in his ear as he walked past.

“I don’t think I’ll be one of those who suffer,” Rob said smartly.

He glared at Rob.

“Oh, you want to go, do you?” the boy threatened.

“No thanks.”

Rob continued to walk on and the whispers of the boys and girls around him filled his ears. They were mainly saying that he’s doomed to failure. The boy followed until Rob reached the wall at the far end and stopped. Dropping his bag, he clenched his fists ready for the possible battle. But he dropped his worries when the boy stood up tall and began to talk in a rough tone.

“Everybody knows not to run from me, I rule this school. And that means I rule you. You will suffer for it.”

He advanced forward and swung at Rob. He quickly dodged the swooping blow and ran his foot the boy’s leg, sending him to the floor. Then the bell rang.

* * *

“Good morning Mrs. McClain,” the class said at once as a lady walked into the room.

“Good morning class,” she returned sweetly, “How have you been?”

At this two S.W.A.T agents with rifles entered the room, aiming at Mrs. McClain.

But at that very moment Mrs. McClain quickly pulled a pistol out of her pocket. One of the agents stood still and dropped his rifle. Silently Rob pulled out his gun and aimed his pistol at the other agent’s head. The class stared at the two, amazed.

“I know that your agency is up to something,” the teacher said.

Several other agents entered the room. But once they had all surrounded the teacher, ten policemen entered and aimed their guns at the S.W.A.T agents. All of the agents dropped their guns.

 “You’re safe now Alyss, these supposed ‘S.W.A.T agents’ have been a problem to us for years,” the sergeant muttered looking over at the teacher. The police rounded up the offenders and loaded them into a police vehicle outside and Rob Young was given many more undercover assignments as was Alyss McClain.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2012 ⏰

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