three attachments; the sequel: part 7

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it's been 4 months since mattia and i started dating again. matthew is now 4 and is in preschool. mattia proposed to me 3 months ago . i said yes, i do love mattia. a lot. and so does matthew and i'm trusting mattia that he'll never break my heart again. we are getting married next month. we got a new house too, it's a nice 4 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms and a backyard.

mattia, matthew, and i have found our new favorite place to go. disneyland. matthew lives going on the little rides with mattia. sometimes, i ride with him, other times i watch from far.

we also always love to get pizza where ever we go. to disneyland, or even just going shopping. sometimes we order pizza , or sometimes we make pizza from scratch considering mattia and i are half italian .

it's now october , a week before halloween. matthew's excited because he gets to match with us. we're going as M&M's. i'm the red one, matthew's the yellow one and mattia is the purple one, because it's favorite color of course.  he would throw a fit if he didn't have purple.

anyways, i can't wait for my name to be alessya polibio. and the way mattia proposed to me was so romantic, he took me to dinner than took me home where the room was covered in roses and balloons. i love him . and i always will.

author's corner !
the book is about to end lol . i have another book coming out though ! LOVE YOU ALL AND I'M SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOU ❤️❤️!!

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