Cheater - Ayato

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2:45 am. I was still sitting up in bed in the small house Ayato, my boyfriend, shared with me. Alone. He still wasn't home, though he had a 'quick errand' to run. What fucking QUICK errand takes 5 hours, almost 6. Who the hell leaves at 10 o' clock at night much less for errands. I couldn't help the bubbling rage that started to boil over in the pit of my stomach. I was so frustrated over something, that could possibly, be nothing. Insecurities and the fear of what could happen floated through my head. Before I knew it the tears burned in my eyes threatening to spill over. I checked the time, 3:07 am, then they finally spilled. It was like a dam broke and I started sobbing. After a good 30 minutes I calmed down and cleaned myself up. Instead of being sad, now I was pissed. 20 minutes til 4 in the morning and Ayato still wasn't ba-. My ramblings were interupted by a loud click and the creaking of the front door opening. I stomped into the living room and saw Ayato. His hair was messy and out of place, jacket barely hanging on same with his jeans. They were unbuttoned and loosely hanging around his hips. Stumbling he took off his shoes, turning on the light so I could see him clearer. Hickeys. That's and lipstick. On his face, neck and some of his slightly exposed chest. "Ayato?" As if realizing I was there for the first time he looked up at me.

"Oh hey. Sorry I took so long." He slurred a little, obviously not drunk but a little tipsy.

"Uh huh...what exactly were you doing for almost 7 hours? Thought it was going to be a "short errand." I used finger quotes and emphasized the word errand. He looked up at me lazily and looking a little pissed.

"Why is that any of YOUR business?"

"Oh I don't know maybe because I'm your fucking GIRLFRIEND!?" I couldn't hold back the rage anymore and I let it out. Tears welled up in my eyes again and I scoffed in disbelief when he smirked.

"Well Y/N, hate to tell ya, but you just don't do it for me anymore. There's way hotter girls out there that aren't so damn clingy. So I found one, fucked her senseless and came back to your bitch ass. Consider yourself lucky why don't ya?" Tears spilled from my eyes, burning as they ran down my face. The smirk on Ayato's face slowly faded and he looked at me in disgust. "Another thing, by the way, about the other girls is, they aren't such fucking babies."

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I EVER DO TO YOU!? HUH!? I FUCKING LOVED YOU UNCONDITIONALLY!! I DID EVERYTHING YOU WANTED ME TO!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs not caring about the neighbors.

"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! DON'T YELL SO LOUD OR SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!" I couldn't help it, I walked up to him slowly, breathing heavily. Before he knew it, I slapped him. I slapped him so hard I'm sure I broke a finger or two. Within seconds his cheek look as if a fire had been lit on it. He looked as shocked as I felt. It felt good though, I didn't regret it at all.

"We're over" I stated bluntly. I walked away from him wiping my eyes and packing my stuff into a few bags. I grabbed my car keys, dropped the house key at his feet and left.

A/N: WOO! Yay a chapter where the reader and character aren't all lovey-dovey :D. Also, YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING AWESOME! I'M SO HAPPY! As of right now, my story has 317 reads!! That's more than I ever thought of even getting. I'm so happy! Thank you guys so much I love you 😁!! Have a great day/night. Requests are ALWAYS open!! I hope you enjoy my stories! I apologise for any spelling mistakes or any other mistakes! Author-chan out!

 Requests are ALWAYS open!! I hope you enjoy my stories! I apologise for any spelling mistakes or any other mistakes! Author-chan out!

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