The punch

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A/N: Another copy of my other story

Gobsmacked you ran out of the house. Holding your cheek, reliving the pain, that spread like a spider web across your face.

He hit you. That was it. No matter how much you may have loved him. No matter how many times you visited his house and stayed until morning. It's over. You couldn't stand a guy who hit you

He ran out, left the door open and catched up with you with rain pouring on top of both of your heads.

"Please! Please! I didn't mean it! It was an accident I swear on your life i would never hit you again!" Mark says as he cries

"On my life? So you hit me and now if you are lying, i die? What the fuck is wrong with you? Get out of my sight i don't want to see you ever again!"

"I was going to say on mine! But i care more about you that i care about myself!"

"You don't hit people you love, you don't blame people you love. It's not my fucking fault you lost your job! It's not my fucking fault of anything that goes on with you! So get out! The punch made it! Go away!"

"No! I can't leave you! You can't leave me! I love you! You mean the world to me! Stop this!" He cried "please do not do this to me!"

"Fuck you, Mark. Bye"

That was insensitive. But you were done with him. He didn't move an inch from where he was. He just stood with his hands in his face sobbing in the rain. When you where moving past him he pushed you

The floor felt harder that it should, you slipped and fell on road, no longer in the side walk. He walked up to you and screamed louder than ever

"If i can't have you! Nobody can! You deserve to die for doing this to me! It is all your fault!" He screamed waving his hands. You are scared and trembling. But before you could stand up a car comes right at you and you scream in alarm then curl up in a ball, to make yourself a smaller target and protect your head. you heard the tires screech against the pavement and reach a stop.

you heard bangs on the window of the car that almost ran over you

Sliding underneath a car is harder that it looks, and more when a psycho is knocking on the window, so you decide to go to the opposite window

"You killed her! She was mine! You killed her!" Mark kept repeating

"Is she really dead? Who are you?" The guy asked from inside the car

"I'm her boyfriend"

"No he is not! He is crazy! Help me get away from him!" You scream, and the boy inside the car turns to you

"Get in then!" Carboy replies. You slither in the shotgun seat and lock the door

"No! Babe! Please don't leave me! I love you!"

"Accelerate! Step on the acceleration! C'mon!"

The boy got stuck for a second then snapped out, but Mark was quicker, he stood in front of the car

"If you go, you'll have to run me over!" Mark screamed

With all the rain, and the pressure, and the fear, your hands acted by their own and pressed against the boy's knee and made him kick the pedal. The car rode fast forward and Marked hit the floor and blood flooding out, about a block later, the car stopped again.

You and the boy looked at each other, stunned, obviously freaked out, and he gripped tightly his hands in the car wheel

"I am Dylan, i was born in New York, but raised in New Jersey. I just broke up with my girlfriend, due to different schedules " he said in a single breath

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because if you are the last person i see before being violated in jail, i'd like you to know something about me!"

"Smart thinking Dylan. My name's Bella, i just sort of got out of an abusive relationship, i was also bon in New York, but raised in Califor-"

You were cut short by the lazy banging of the back window. Mark was back. How could he possibly be alive?

"I already dialed 911" they should be on their way, this guy's a nutjob"

"Yeah? No kidding?" You reply " hey. At least. We are not sitting alone in the mental institute"

He gave you back sort of a snort, or a very confused scared laugh.

"Yeah. Mental institute first date it is"


"You are the first girl i have attempted murder with. Figured you are special"

"Smart thinking." You repeat. Mark kept banging, but now drowsily. And sirens were closing in. And you closed your eyes, maybe not peacefully, but God knows whens going to be the next time

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