1 - Dream's Backstory

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It was a silent night. A little too silent. The Humans and Mythics had been at peace for quite awhile. That little wolven village would have never expected what would happen very soon. A human village was settled not very far from this small Mythic settlement. Maybe a little too close. Why is that bad you ask? Well, the Humans and the Mythics don't like each other very much. They hate each other so bad, that if found in each other's land and aren't their own species, they'll be dead before you could blink.

The humans in that village were aware of their beastly neighbors. Knowing their whole history it was only nature that war would break out soon, right? Crossfire broke out across the line of orderly housing. The Wolven guards had seen this and immediately alerted their leader. The Wolven people woke up in panic, and their leader, unprepared, ordered guards to attack the humans. Being unprepared wasn't very fortunate, and many fell fast. The leader worried for his pack's and own family's good, and told the Wolvens to flee the vicinity immediately. His family only consisted of his son, the rest were supposed to be dead. His son, who he cared about dearly and named Dream, was the future to his pack.

Dream bickered with his father for a bit, not wanting to leave his side. He was only 6, and didn't know many of the necessary basic survival skills. His father knew this, and quickly grabbed his axe. This axe was made of a powerful resource from the Demon world, the Nether. His warriors ventured into the Demon world for this material just for their leader. That's how you know they're dedicated to him.

This material was called netherite. This netherite had magic infused with it, making it grow to fit whatever size the user was. This helped Dream a lot, as he was a small 6 yr old pup, so having a giant heavy metal axe wouldn't help his situation at all. Following his father's directions, he set out for the murky forest, which was dark, daunting, and mysterious. The Wolven village had an old tale about it, where if you venture within it, you're doomed to be lost forever. But Dream had wandered in that forest many times before, and even befriended a human there.

The human was short and skinny, wore a lot of blue and had once said Dream looked yellow, which was quite weird as he was mostly wore green. The Human child's name was George, and he was very fragile. Dream thought it was a little strange how he had no ears and tail, but he questioned nothing, as he was just happy to have a friend. Dream went into the forest and found the familiar little patch in the trees, which consisted of a circle of dirt and a rock in the middle of it within a clearing.  It was nice, and that's where he would always meet George, as that's how they met. A memory revisits Dream.

"Ugh, Dad's away talking to the guards again, I'm so bored! These miniature swords and soldiers don't work for me anymore." Dream complained, staring into the dark forest beyond him.  "Huh...I wonder...."  Dream sat up, and approached the mystery known well by his kind.  He tore at the brush with his tiny claws, making small marks in the bushes slowly but surely.  Dream eventually fell into a clearing, unaware of the boy sitting on the rock in the middle of it.  Dream got up and patted himself off.  He looked up and saw the human boy crying with his knees up to his face like he was a hedgehog in hiding.  "Are you ok?"  "H-huh....? AHHHHHH!"  The boy screamed, terrified of this new person before him.  "Woah, calm down! I'm not going to hurt you..." Dream reassured the distraught boy.  "O-oh..." The boy muttered, slightly embarrassed.

"What are you doing out here anyways? Don't you know it's dangerous around this territory!"  Dream berated the fragile child, not meaning harm in his words.  "I-I'm sorry....I j-just lost my village thinking I could play in the forest..." The boy says, wiping his tears into his sky blue sleeve.  "Oh..I'm sorry to hear that, how about we play? I'm sure it'll definitely cheer you up!"  Dream shouts excitedly, happy to have a new play friend.  "O-oh, o-ok!"  The boy smiled sheepishly and got up to play with Dream.  Eventually, a woman called the boy's name, and he had to go. 
Dream called after the colorful child, "Wait! Quickly what's your name?!"   "Huh? Oh, it's George!"  George smiles fondly, and waves Dream goodbye.  "Ok! See you later George!" Dream smiled with the genuineness of the Sun, and waved George off as he walked towards the woman's calling, soon disappearing.

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