Can I Call You Tonight?

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All your life you had been a hopeless romantic. And all your life you had been a person with goals. Unfortunately for you, these things mixed together was not a good thing in any way.

Working with Blackpink seemed like a big thing for you. After all, your dream job was getting to produce music, and getting the offer to basically follow them around and watch how they did everything was nothing less than ideal. They were big, and they'd definitely teach you a few things about success and how to get there. Plus, you'd liked some of their songs. However, you didn't know how much you would like the girls. Specifically, Lisa.

Lisa had immediately made you feel welcome when you first met them. All the other girls were kind to you, but she was the one who had invited you for dinner on your first night of staying with them. You'd both ate alone, at a small fast food place that was just down a floor from your hotel room. She kept apologizing for how she didn't take you to a fancier restaurant, but you didn't care at all. It was a privilege to even be eating with her, let alone... alone with her. When you'd asked why she invited you to eat without the other girls, she'd just said that she wanted you to feel like her friend, as well as she found you pretty. Plain and simple too, no hesitation, like it should've been obvious. The comment made you blush, but for the sake of professionalism you forced yourself to ignore it and just said a small "thank you" in response.

That had been two months ago, and the feelings only increased. You'd definitely enjoyed your time with them, forming an individual relationship with each girl. They'd all been quick to catch on to your crush on her, and Lisa's returned feelings towards you too, but no matter how much they teased you and encouraged you to just finally confess, you always refused. That would cause you to lose this opportunity. You weren't supposed to get romantically involved with any of them. When you'd first agreed to the job, that possibility seemed out of the question. No way would they be interested in you! You were just another girl, probably another fan to them. You almost saw it as a curse how wrong you were. You were able to take some notes on producing and writing music, but your head hadn't been in the game since day one, too entranced in Lisa's ability, both in rapping and singing and in making you blush like crazy.

This week, though, had been the hardest for you. How could you blame yourself? It wasn't easy seeing the girl that you had been almost fully convinced (by her closest friends) liked you back kiss another person. You didn't even have time to see his face, or try and figure out who he was. The pain had been too much and you'd ran to your car before she could see you. You all were parting ways, just for the week, just for a little break, and that was not the sight you wanted to see when you went to say goodbye to her. In fact, you even had the idea of telling her you liked her in the back of your head, but as you cried in your car in front of your apartment, you'd felt silly for it even being there at all. Was all of it fake? All of the flirting she had done with you, the coffee she'd bring you in the morning, the sweet goodnight and good morning texts... was it all just for fun with her?

Granted, maybe you were looking too into things. It had only been two months. Two months of seeing her nonstop, yes, but maybe you were just too desperate. It was the hopeless romantic in you. The ambitious part of you, though, felt drained of all its power. You were sure it would have been easier to process if the other girls hadn't kept insisting she liked you back, and you couldn't help but be a little angry with them, though you know they would never try and hurt you on purpose. You found yourself lying in bed all day, not wanting to return to them when the week was over. You couldn't believe you were letting this get in the way of what could possibly be the path to your dream, but you couldn't help what you felt. And worse, your power went out.

There was a quick fix to that. Call YG, they would fix that for you. Your pay was going to come later, but you knew they could provide you a little something in the meantime. So, you weren't entirely sure how you had ended up calling the girl you'd least wanted to see instead. But when she picked up the phone, the weight on your shoulders seemed to be a little less, and you hated that. You were angry at her. But your body couldn't deny the way she made your heart flutter still.

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