Chapter 9

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Naeun's POV

Finally...I'm right in front of my house.I've never been here for one year.I took a deep breath and pressed the bell.

*Ding dong.Ding dong

???-Yes yes wait a minute...

Someone said.I know it was my Oppa.I miss him badly.He opened the gate

Naeun-Annyeong.../I said and bowed a little/

Dongwoon-Na...Naeun?/His eyes opened widen.Then his eyes dropped on Junho who was sleeping in my embrace/Come...come in

Naeun-Gamsahabnida/I smiled and I entered my house/


Naeun-Where is Omma?

I said as I sat beside mu Oppa at the living room

Dongwoon-She went to visit our grandparents.I didn't go because I have a lot of works to do

Naeun-Owh.../I just noded/

Dongwoon-Is he sleeping?

Naeun-Hmm...His name was Junho Oppa

Dongwoon-Junho...Nice/He smiled/Who is he to you?/Suddenly his face changed/

Naeun-/I took a deep breath/He' son/My tears dropped/

Dongwoon-Ok ok...I really wanna know what happened actually looked tired.You better go and rest.We will discuss about this later

Naeun-I sorry Oppa.../I cried hardly/

Dongwoon-It's ok.../He stroked my back/Thing had happened.We couldn't turn time back

Naeun-I go to my room first

Dongwoon-Hmmm.../He noded/

I walked into my bedroom.When I looked at Junho who was sleeping soundly,it make my tears fell even more.I felt sorry for him.I couldn't give him a perfect life.He will grow up soon.And he will know that everyone had a dad.But not him.What should I do?I laied beside Junho

Naeun-Please forgive me dear.../I kissed his cheek/

*Few days later...

No one POV

Dongwoon-Morning Naeun aahh

Naeun-Morning/She smiled/

Dongwoon-Hmm...smell delicious

Naeun-I haven't cook for you for a long time

Dongwoon-Hmm...Omma always said the she missed your cooking

Naeun-Jinjja?I've been at home for three days but she didn't come home yet.When will Omma be back?

Dongwoon-Probably tomorrow

Naeun-Really?That's good.I missed her so much

Dongwoon-Naeun ahh...Did you go to Gangnam...because of Junho?

Naeun-/She froze.Then she took a deep breath and she said/Hmmm...That's right

Dongwoon-But..why didn't you just tell us the truth?

Naeun-You don't understand it Oppa.I love Omma and you so much.I know that you will very disappointed on me if I tell you that I'm pregnant

Dongwoon-But if you don't want to make Omma disappointed,tell me Naeun ahh.At least I can help you

Naeun-/She held Dongwoon's hand/Mianhae Oppa.../Her tears dropped/Please forgive me

Dongwoon-/He hugged Naeun/It's ok.It had happen.But...How about Omma?

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