Episode 8: Teen Titans Go!

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There's chaos in Multiverse City. Battle Droids of the K.Rool droid army are marching though the streets. B1s and B2s, even the droidekas and magna droids were blasting at a pile of cars piled up by Cyborg with Sonic and Anakin.

Anakin: Hey Cyborg, when is your team coming?

Cyborg: In a minute! We have to keep our guard!

Anakin: Like wise.

Anakin blocks the blaster bolts with Cyborg blasting them. Sonic uses a hand blaster made by Tails specifically to combat the Droids.

Sonic: Is there no end to these metal heads?

Cyborg: From a half metal head, I'm afraid not.

The droids keep advancing towards the heroes. As they draw closer, the heroes get down for them to recharge thier blasters. As they get back up, they noticed half of the droids are gone.

Cyborg: Huh?

Droid: What? What just-

A green light goes straight down and blows more Droids up.

B2 droid: We're under attack.

???: Azarath metrion zinthos!

A Black hole stars appearing sucking down the droids in.

Cyborg: It's them!

Sonic: Who?

Robin swings in around a building and kicks a droid down.

Robin: The Teens Titans have come! Titans Go!

Thier theme stars playing.

Cyborg and the two other heroes come in to join the fight. The girl firing the green energy lights was a Tamaranian called Starfire. She beats down the B2 droids and throws one for the green boy called Beast Boy who transforms into a Gorilla to grab it and smash it to a spider droid into pieces. The girl in the hood named Raven uses her magic to blow up the Magna droids and droidekas from the inside as she enchants her spell with the same words.

Raven: Azarath metrion zinthos!

Robin and Cyborg use thier power move the Sonic boom on the last remaining group of droids.

Robin: Ready for the Sonic boom, Cyborg?

Cyborg: *Powers up arm canon* I got the sonic and you got the boom.

They jump up and Robin throws his bomb to the droids with Cyborg blasting his canon to make an immense explosion.

Droid: Guy looks out! It's the Sonic-


Droid parts start falling around the Titans. One droid still active has its head fall on Sonic's hands.


Robin: Great work, Titans.

Beast Boy: Aw yeah. That's what's up.

Starfire: Oh how I love saving the day with my friends.

Raven: Whatever.

Anakin: You guys are the Teen Titans, right?

Robin: That's right. You already know me and Cyborg, but these three here are Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven.

Beast Boy: What up, bro.

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