The Festival

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Not much more than five hours had passed since the meeting, and noon was just around the corner. All seemed well... for the most part. Food rations were pretty low at the moment, so there wasn't much to go around. Still though, there was still enough provisions to hold over until they docked, which would hopefully be soon.

After a while, Laphicet took the time to appreciate the vast expanse of sea water that was the ocean. With a magnificent view like this, the young malak could only imagine how much unexplored territory there could be out there, just waiting to be discovered. That thought alone would always put a smile on his face.

What's more, this view was complimented by a beautiful sunrise. These calming colors were always enough to put Phi at ease.

That was, until the hideous daemon's face flashed before Phi's eyes, causing him to jump back. Panting heavily, he frantically looked around for any sign of fire and death.


Phi then took slow deep breaths, realizing it was a brief hallucination.

"Phi?" Eleanor's voice called out, snapping Phi out of his thoughts. "You doing alright?"

Phi started to feel a little self conscious; he wasn't sure he was ready to tell anyone else about the dream he had, and the last thing he wanted was to worry his vessel.

"I'm... fine." He simply said, turning back to the sea.

Eleanor picked up on poor Phi's negative vibe, knowing exactly what was bothering him. As tempted as she was to assure him that it was merely a dream, she thought better of it after remembering Velvet telling everyone not to worry Phi about it. Still, she felt as though she had to say something.

"You know, if there is something bothering you, you can always tell me about it." She assured with a gentle smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Even if it seems like something minor, I'm willing to listen."

"I... I know." Phi said

"Alright then, I better go check up on Magilou. Hopefully Velvet didn't beat her up too bad"

As Eleanor went to check up on the others, Phi couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that last statement, knowing full well that Magilou's frequent taunts on Velvet may one day land her in boiling hot water.

"Land ho!" Benwick called with enthusiasm. A port was finally in sight.

Phi got excited. Finally, new land to explore, and new things to discover! With all his excitement, he rushed to the front of the vessel.

"Guys, hurry! We'll be landing soon!" Phi said, passing by Velvet and the others.

The young lad's finally made to the front, watching with great enthusiasm to gaze upon the beautiful sight.
Roland, just at the tip of Westgand. Aifread's crew had been here at least once during their travels. It was a rather quint town as Eizen recalled; not much to do except hold festivals every year. Laphicet immediately wondered about what the this festival as about. What ever it was, it sounded like fun.

Upon reaching the port, Eizen thought it was best to divide and conquer, just to split the work load. Eleanor and Rokurou opted to scope the landscape to see if any exorcists happen to be stationed.

Naturally, Eizen stayed with the Van Eltia to oversee operations and decide the group's next heading. Magilou, to no one's surprise, made an excuse that she needed to "hold down the fort". In reality, she just wanted to sit back and relax, much to the pirate malak's chagrin.

That just left Velvet, who volunteered to gather groceries for the ship, which the crew really needed at this point. Eager to explore a bit, Phi opted to join her, which she saw no harm in. The list she received wasn't that long anyway, surely shopping for groceries would be a cinch.

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