Christmas Tree Wish

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A brunette girl dress for the winter, rush up to her dark hair friend and co-worker working on a final gift in her red holiday sweater.

"Soojin, can you close today? I need to leave early."

"Miyeon unnie. You said you'll help me close." Stopping midway on wrapping a box, she gives Miyeon a disbelief look.

"I know but Haku and Mata need to be fed, Shuhua is still busy." The older girl quickly explains as she rummages through her black purse.

"I'll have to get you guys an automatic dog feeder as a gift." Soojin nod in understanding and continue her wrapping after seeing Miyeon found her keys.

"There is only an hour left, I can come back in time to help."

"It's okay unnie, you had a long shift. I can handle closing myself." Finishing up her wrapping, she looks up to give the other girl a reassurance smile. "Go home, plus tomorrow is our day off and Christmas."

"Okay, thank you!" Miyeon smiles brightly at her friend and hugs her.

Bidding each other goodbye, Miyeon leave Soojin to clean up the store. Looking around the shop, her eyes stop at the large front window, she sees the snow falling lightly through the dark night sky. Admiring how the street lights decoration gives it a more illuminate beauty. After inspecting her surrounding, Soojin notices the place is empty. Deciding to give it half-hour more before closing the door, she goes to grab the broom and clean up her 'wrap a gift' station. As she sweeps, she wonders what she should bring to her family dinner. Even more, if she should bring her friend and roommate Soyeon again to help avoid the topic of dating. Though she has to owe her big favor, or probably beg. Her family has been bugging her love life, she understands they don't want her to be alone, but she doesn't mind. Soojin believes finding your person should not be a quest, it should be something that happens naturally. She'll never admit it out loud but she likes to believe it'll be similar to romantic movies. One day a person enters your life and the two don't realize that some sort of miracle had pushed them together.

Scooping up the pile of debris, she hears 'Wish list' by F(x) playing from the speaker. Staring to hum to the song, she starts to dance a little as she finishing up her station. Getting more into the song, she begins to sing.

Oh my my, when I open the door

Greet me with a face filled with smiles

You are the gift I've always waited for

Make my dreams come true

Finish with cleaning, she uses the broom as a microphone and continues to jam out. As the song slows down, indicating the song is about to come to an end, she sings as if she was performing for an audience.

Tick tock, tick tock, time please stop

Ding dong, who is it? It's you and I from a dream

I've been waiting for tonight

All of my Christmas wishes come true

As she dances around just as the beat began to pick up, she suddenly yelps as she finally notices a bright girl is standing there with a big smile. She sees the other girl is bundled up with a thick dark coat, beanie, and a red scarf. To make her look cuter with her big eyes staring in admiration at Soojin, she is fully covered with fresh snow, obvious that the girl had walked. Suddenly very embarrass, Soojin just turn around and pretend to put the broom away as she tried to collect her cool. Taking a peek over her shoulder, she sees the girl still standing there but now looking around the store. Feeling less embarrass, she turns back to face the new customer. Getting the girl's attention, Soojin greets her.

Christmas Tree Wish (SooQi)Where stories live. Discover now